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Everything posted by gwen

  1. dunno bout comforts but I just paid for Netflix ok so ima bout 20 yrs late on that? they have LOTS of good spooky shows limited series horror occult and fantasy based for young adults kids and adults. good Halloween fare.
  2. dancing to the death march again....
  3. I fell. I have a torn rotator cuff now. it hurts like hell I don't take pain pills so expect a bitch. I really don't want surgery already got one coming. I swear sometimes I am just tired of this crap. I don't know why my joints dislocate so easy but I've always thought it's related to my bad guts somehow some lady online think I have divers AND crones that you can have both and she had to go through numerous testing to find it. so what. it's surgery or big pharma and I don't Want either one. here is a list of side effects for the muscle relaxant I am on now. sleep sick hallucinations dizzy dry mouth irregular heartbeat which I already have.... mood changes(?) mental problems including confusion constipation everything that helps me hurts my guts. guts come first, so....suffer it is. not giving up pot, thusly. I have cut waaaay back after the impaction. I really miss kayaking. fuck my shoulder! I hate you, shoulder that won't do what I want. stupid shoulder. can't work hard anymore I ain't even 60.
  4. thinking conservatorship...over da ol man's nutsak n wallet shud go 2 me when his mommy dies not the baby from the first marriage per her last request...
  5. my buddy the wise one heh heh keeps sayin PROOF IN PICTURES ONLINE or it didn't happen DO NOT believe claims of greatness otherwise and he will decode them for me to see if the photo is real filtered stolen wtf ever. that's how you know a scammer often claiming to be ex military whatever...
  6. Netflix cabinet of curiosities and Two sentence horror stories I had to buy Netflix again but it was worth it wtf is with this kiddie chupacabra show they look like griffins not chups
  7. we are getting our guns licenses and starting target practice this winter small game and self defense so thats one riffle one hand gun going to new place on Groesbeck used to be rusty nail bar now is shooting range and training center
  8. watch me myself and Irene I suppose it's a movie about proper placement of pronouns my pronouns are me myself and I and sometimes why lol wtf. can we just go back to gay, bi, str8 - and total freak? ima gettin confused....
  9. Metamucil is the devil it seems to hurt us all on the divers board I am eating apple skins now again and fine. why don't you just eat some insoluble fiber your supposed to eat instead of a hard husk ground to powder that humans NEVER EAT IN THE WILD! heat that shit up in the microwave play with a literal bouncing ball of goo.... try shitting THAT out whydontcha.
  10. ya ima not too crazy bout tst right now either just like every other organized religion It's gotten all butt hurt political stuffs happening within its ranks and jex is now doing her own thing out there actually making a difference in the world as far as individual freedom rights n stuff art... the actual tst leader of some area not sure nationally I dunno but he's a big mouth and he pissed me off and seems a bit sexist so I don do the tst thing no more I am an atheistic Satanist so my thoughts are wtf ever wut impure to you? hm? I don't worship the ground God, daddy now? whatever. always THAT argument between Satanists... your not a true if your not lighting candles to a deity...
  11. homemade decors are so much better. the best yr for us was when I pressed leaves and painted the window made a ghoul out of my beauty school head and a cape made a ghost out of a sheet. https://www.acrwebsite.org/volumes/7058/volumes/v17/NA-17?fbclid=IwAR1cMp34Lba0Eq4IO54zp0G4LcDoG31ZipOq55PfbZviwKLoq3IL6Lp8tVA
  12. in case some if you kids don't know who she is she has big balls. stands up to death threats for what she believes is right https://www.metrotimes.com/arts/heres-the-video-from-the-satanic-temples-state-sanctioned-capitol-ceremony-2387399
  13. gonna go cook him fried baloni n eggs toast n sum fruit.
  14. somebody told me once that you got play from those nutty necro bitches at city club because they wanted to have sex in a herse. I ain't knockin ya for it I think its awesome 👌 👏 👍 😍
  15. that I'm mot the only one sick of babies bullcraps my kids never did this to me and don't complain about the government if you live off of it for free. guess what. Biden won't win again without a bunch of votes from illegals! ha
  16. mentors up online he has ti drive someone else's kids to school his daughter was with a loser for a bit now he has to help out he said go start practicing your guitar and say goodbye wind so goodbye 👋
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