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Everything posted by et-novum

  1. Thinking about how we haven't seen @gwenin a bit. Usually one of the most active people. Hope you're doing alright, Gwen
  2. I should be doing all the stuff on my to-do list, which is very long. But the spirit is weary and the flesh is weak, and I'd rather watch the X-Files. Including, but not limited to: fixing the drier vent fixing my PC (cracked thermal paste?) sorting out boxes of stuff and finding places to put stuff ferrying the last of my crap from the old place fixing outlets painting putting up the shower curtain cleaning the clutter off the table getting the boxes out of the garage Half it it seems like just fixing stuff I don't wanna fix 😞 I'll start it -- tomorrow.
  3. What a classic. This is one of the things that never leaves my head no matter how hard I try (except I don't try to remove it) I had forgotten this is one of the earliest ones though. Nearly at 3000 comics now.
  4. Going to wrap up work for the day soon and then go ferry some more boxes 😮‍💨
  5. I had two dreams last night. The first was about a man in a director-level importance coming and going from his office. He had trouble with his feet, and it was painful for him to walk. He wore large, warm boots similar to mukluks but comically large. He shuffled while wearing them. When it came time for an important meeting, he switched to a different, more normal boots and walked normally despite being in pain. Then he returned to the large boots. I was watching him from a mall bench outside his office the entire time. The second was about me and my coworker sitting in a room similar to a large, tiered lecture hall. Our boss would bring us comically tall stacks of paper and told us to sort it. The papers were large packets of information on various things, and most of it was basically meaningless. We pointed this out, and my boss shrugged and said "I know" and gave a sympathetic half-smile. There was no way to sort it in a way that mattered. Eating strong cheese before bed is a fun experience. I highly recommend experiencing cheese dreams at least once in your life.
  6. I'm testing my tape deck after oiling it and re-adjusting the speed pot. I'm playing Early Moods' self titled album, and the forward direction sounds fine. But I can't quite tell if there's a wow and flutter problem in the reverse direction. I have a really bad ear for tone and pitch. I could use a spectral plot for the speed adjustment but not so much for this 😕
  7. Happy to see that Goths of Muskegon is going strong! I keep hoping Goths of Grand Rapids gets a second wind because I think more lowkey events like this would be popular there. (And I often think about starting a Goths of Holland page to make a West Michigan trifecta but I am not a strong organizer of people)
  8. Is this @cthulhu63's doing? I remember the FB post gauging interest but I didn't realize it was big enough for Mlive to catch it.
  9. Let us know when your poop schedules sync up 😛
  10. I'm thinking it's Tulip Time and traffic is going to be crazy today. Guess I'm not leaving the house today
  11. Taking a long lunch and a nap because I have a bad headache. Hopefully it goes away soon. I need to begin packing things in earnest.
  12. Currently listening to one of my favorite albums, The Ruins of Fading Light, so I can record it onto a tape. The band released their first album and will release their upcoming album on cassette, but they didn't do this one for some reason. So I'm breaking some copyright laws so I can tape it and make a nice J-card for the case. https://cryptsermon.bandcamp.com/album/the-ruins-of-fading-light
  13. Warning - Watching From a Distance
  14. Honestly we got a bit worried about you when you said "not feeling great" after eating that pizza and then you disappeared 😅 welcome back, sounds likes you're going throw it right now.
  15. Oh shit are you an MTU alum? I grew up in Houghton and went to Tech.
  16. He's a private guy and has most of the tracking features turned off (don't blame him) but he can't turn off the Last Seen feature on his profile. Even if he was just lurking, he'd still leave a trace. Hope he's alright and just taking a break - the last thing he said was something about not feeling great 😅
  17. I'm currently wondering where Scary Guy went off too. Probably nothing bad, but he's rarely offline for this long at one time. It's almost like if Tron were to go missing.
  18. Kinda feel like shit 😅 concerts are fun but having a show on a Wednesday doesn't give me any recovery time.
  19. Thinking about how much I really could use a three day weekend, but it's too late to take today off 😕
  20. I don't think I've shown the new cat yet. I need to get more pictures of her alone, but Lenore is the little one with the narrower face. I was told she was a year old, but she was under 6 pounds so I definitely think she is younger than that. She gets along with Edgar very well.
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