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Everything posted by et-novum

  1. Whatcha learnin' about? Or are you being vague on purpose and it's meant to be a mystery
  2. It's 2TB and it shares with a lot else. It's plenty for me. I meant that one band makes up 10% of the size of the music library, not the total storage. And it's not a small library. Also if they're so cheap, you should buy me one 😛
  3. For purely informational purposes, you could check out metal-tracker. It's primarily a metal tracker (duh) but there are other genres there too but not as much of it. It's Russian site, but they have an English version. They generally have quality files, including FLACs and quality MP3s. Alternatively, if those artists have bandcamp pages, you can use youtube-dl to get the highest quality they've uploaded there. Also, Bandcamp has the best artist cut so I recommend you buy music from there. On the first friday of the month, Bandcamp waives their normal cut and all of the profit goes to the artists. And through Bandcamp, you can actually download the files and keep it unlike some other places. While FLACs are higher quality, they take up a ton of space. I have the discography of Blind Guardian on my hard drive and it takes up 10% of the total space despite being one of hundreds of artists with a similar discography size. So be wise with how you allocate your disk space.
  4. Oh heck I wish I would've found this thread earlier. I play a lot of Noita. It's best described as a magical Finnish falling sand simulator. It's a pixel-based game, so everything is chunky, but the main conceit of the game is that every pixel is simulated and has material properties. Different materials interact with each other - you can melt snow with fire, solidify lava with water, and melt metal with concentrated mana. It has some of the best emergent gameplay I've seen because nearly anything could happen. The main gameplay is going from area to area collecting wands and gold, then experimenting with different combinations of wands and spells in the Holy Mountain areas between the dangerous places. It's a roguelike, so if you die you will restart completely. And you will die, it's just a normal process of learning in this game. And that's not even getting into all the secrets. There's a ton of hidden areas and things you can accomplish if you can decipher the clues. The only mark against it is that it's hard.
  5. Hey I'm new and I stuck around for some reason. I even say things sometimes!
  6. Wasn't sure if the snow dumps its stuff over the middle of the state or not by the time it gets over to you, but sounds like it does. I'm on the lakeshore over here, so we get the very first bit of it 😅
  7. Are you also slated to get the heavy snow this weekend?
  8. I just finished the Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir. I'm a little bit unhinged about them now, they've very good and I recommend them. Kinda a mix of fantasy, science fiction, and tumblr memes (in a good way).
  9. Life is pretty great. I can sleep in a bit, we have a big snowfall coming, Edgar is laying on my foot, and Lenore is warming up to me. It's going to be a good day and a good year
  10. He didn't come back. Maybe I'll see him again the future, but most of the strays near me only show up for day or two at most. This is the fourth in the past year, I think. Semi-related but I adopted a second cat yesterday. She's anxious but she seems to like my other cat. He's calm and confident, and she's young and timid so hopefully he's a good influence.
  11. He's gone 😞 Nothing touched the food I left out last night, not even the squirrels. I hope he's warm we got some snow last night.
  12. I'm feeding a stray cat that's been poking around my house for the last day or so. He looks so much like Edgar that I thought he had slipped out while I was gone. He's very skittish but has been returning regularly for the food I've been leaving out. I'm thinking about getting a livetrap to catch him and take him to the shelter to see if he's anyone's lost cat. If he isn't, I might adopt him if he gets along with Edgar.
  13. I just rolled into my driveway about two hours and I feel like I could fall asleep at any moment. Left the Keweenaw this morning at 8am, dropped my sister off in Milwaukee this afternoon, and then came back to Holland.bot the longest drive I've done but this might be the one I've felt the worst afterwards 😅 Honestly this was worse than driving north from Texas back in April.
  14. Would love to but I'm at my parent's house in the UP and privacy is pretty non-existent right now 😅
  15. This really bothered me about The Office guy for whatever reason it doesn't bother me here. Maybe because it's inherently unrealistic already.
  16. I'm really wishing I could sleep right now.
  17. I love the original movie but the show is leagues better. The internal consistency isn't great but it's better than you think, they just ignore things for the rule of humor. I'm partway through season five right now.
  18. I'm feeling great. I've been focusing on building myself up and finding good and solid people to spend time with. Reconnected with old friends I hadn't seen in a few years, and it was like no time had passed. Doing things that make me happy. The biggest life changes for me happen at the turn of the seasons and now is no exception. But this time it's good for once
  19. Sitting on the couch gathering the will to get up and go shower.
  20. Probably pre-2018 when Jex left. I'm not sure when the current congregation started but it is wholly separate from the old Detroit chapter. From what I've seen first hand, TST Detroit now is lockstep with national. Also old TST wasn't significantly different than new TST. It's still owned (yes, owned) by the same two people it always has been. Also I'm going to drop this here: https://www.newsweek.com/orgies-harassment-fraud-satanic-temple-rocked-accusations-lawsuit-1644042
  21. She is notably no longer affiliated with the Satantic Temple. There was a big fallout around 2018 or so. Which is probably for the best, TST as a whole is a pretty shady organization.
  22. It's a daylife event, but Jex Blackmore is pretty cool. Popup flea market at Kelly's Bar on Saturday, October 21st supporting the Hydra mutual aid fund and reproductive rights.
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