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Everything posted by et-novum

  1. What does everyone have planned for this Halloween? The actual day is on a Tuesday this year, so I'm looking forward to going to some parties the weekend before but still being able to hand out candy to kids on the actual night.
  2. Feeling better today. I've been so exhausted the last few days but unable to sleep. I went out to the city today just to do something and got some energy back when I got home. Every day is a new day.
  3. Well yesterday I didn't really want to do it either, it's just been a thing that's been on my to-do list before I went on my trip. It needs to get done but yesterday was not the day to do it. Maybe today
  4. I'm thinking about whether I want to rest or if I want to continue organizing my office. On one hand I'm tired as fuck, but on the other it really needs to get done because theres a mess all over the table.
  5. I'm drinking my tea and waiting to go to game night at the LGBT center. I do a lot of waiting around, huh?
  6. I'm drinking my tea and trying to get over my jetlag so I can start my day.
  7. I'm thinking I should go to bed. It's almost midnight, but I'm not even slightly tired yet. Maybe I should have been drinking caffiene late at night this whole time.
  8. Hey you don't control my concenration. Unless you want to read the books out loud for me. I'm sure you have an excellent reading voice.
  9. It's on my list to read, but it's a long list.
  10. I'm currently sober except for the occasional social beer, but I think I should stop even that. I miss it a little but I feel so much better now that I've stopped, and it's only been two months. I had problems with it because I was using it to self medicate some things and I have poor impulse control. But the impulse control gets worse when I drink so it's just a bad cycle 😅 One drink always seemed to end up as three or more, and I didn't like that.
  11. I'm not sure how I'm going to go, but I've had a sinking feeling I'm going to die young. If i go before I'm 40, I won't be surprised. It won't be because of anything i do to myself. Probably a car accident or a disease or something. I'm fond of living, despite the trials I find myself in, and wouldn't kill myself.
  12. Mine has an interesting story. A few years ago, I was big into the hobby of trawling the internet for open directories (essentially just unsecured web servers people either left deliberately open or forgot to password protect). I found a site who's url was paxx.world full of about 200 images someone had made as an art project. I downloaded them all, but didn't write down any information. The directory is gone now, so I can't even credit the real source. Those images have been a slideshow background on all of my personal computers since. The particular image that is my profile picture both here and on Tumblr is an iconic picture of Baphomet from some book by Elphias Levi or someone, except he has a smiley face over his. I found it in that picture collection. I feel like it represents me because I like that occult, dark, and spooky shit but I don't take it too seriously. I also see elements of myself in Baphomet, but the smiley is a reminder to be myself first and foremost. I can like the dark stuff but also be goofy.
  13. @oXMiahGraceXo knows a few things about fabric. Maybe she has a suggestion?
  14. Jewish Hospitals specifically do not. Back in the day, they were some of the only places who would treat anyone.
  15. I've seen some of his videos that are being reuploaded after his passing. There's also a big change between early YouTube and today's YouTube, and I personally think he may have done well in the first year of YT but not when he was uploading. The time had already passed for rawly edited vlogs and so many other people were looking for YouTube money. I personally only know one person who makes any kind of money off it, and she puts her heart and soul into it.
  16. Does this count? I typeset my version of Frankenstein last month. I'll post a couple sample pages. It's nothing very special, but I did take this from the raw text and add everything myself.
  17. Here's something interesting. I'm not sure The Loch Ness Monster exists but I came across thia article. Some of the more convincing photos I've seen with a lot more personal stake involved ( the photographer is putting themself out there and not publishing anonymously). But I think personally I need more proof to say this is a cryptid and not just a regular animal doing something strange. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/new-sighting-of-loch-ness-monster-captured-in-most-exciting-photos-ever/ar-AA1g2QLb?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=b41df05595014ec2b33ec6116685f37d&ei=38
  18. I've been busy I'll make some sock puppet accounts to boost the forum's numbers
  19. Feeling anxious, and I can't pin it down on any one thing. It might be a combo of them all, but I'm starting to think I might actually have an anxiety disorder or something. This can't be normal.
  20. I would like a better block function. The current one is nearly useless. As for other features, I'm not sure adding any features for the sake of adding features is useful if nobody uses them. So things like IRC, VR, etc may not get used with the current user base. Personally when I see features like that they aren't used or are used by one or two people only, I get a little turned off from the site as a whole. And on the subject of web scraping, I think it's actually important for website growth to have good SEO. I recognize this may be a divisive topic and search engine results are kinda shit right now because of low-effort internet sites anyway. And to derail the topic fo bit, we need more active members (and I think most people would agree). Forums are unfortunately mostly dead but I think with the drama of mainstream social media sites they can make a comeback. However - there's still a real barrier because forums are very different than FB, TT, IG, and the rest. We don't have an app, which may cause a lot of people (especially younger people raised in the mobile age) to not try it for very long.
  21. I'm tired of feeling tired *again*. Whatever weird cyclic thing that smacks me with the "you don't have any stamina anymore!" thing every couple of weeks needs to stop. I have shit to do, I can't keep shutting down this early in the day. It's been like two weeks since I've felt actually rested, and yes I do get nearly a full 8 hours most nights.
  22. Yikes. I wouldn't want anyone with even a mild illness doing any of those things let alone COVID. Y'know. That little thing that caused that kerfuffle a few years ago 😮‍💨😮‍💨 I hope you feel better soon. That's no joke to be dealing with.
  23. One of these days, we should sit down and look at all the old personal sites I have stashed in a bookmark folder.
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