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Everything posted by et-novum

  1. Eternal Champion - I Am The Hammer
  2. I'm out of my head when you're not around. I'm out of touch.
  3. Poor kid 😞 I hope he gets his revenge on@et-novum
  4. I'm exhausted from last week. I think today is going to be a self care day. Haven't had one of those in a while. But first I need to tidy my kitchen. Because sometimes self care is putting things in order.
  5. Hearse show was pretty cool but the whole event was just an ad for Screamers lmao. There were about four hearses and a Chevy HHR made up to look like one
  6. I wish you well. I read the whole thing but didn't have any particular but to quote, but I wanted to reply to you directly. I see you. I don't know if there's anything I can do or any particular support you'd really desire from me (I realize I am basically a stranger). But please let me know if I can do anything. If nothing else, I have a safe place for you crash for a few days. You just might have to share an air mattress with my cat. Hang in there.
  7. My car Sabrina (now that's she's finally fixed 🙃) runs great so we can always use her.
  8. We had a small but successful goth event in our neck of the woods, and now I'm just chilling.
  9. @NocteSpiritus It's called How To Keep House While Drowning and it was recommended to me by a friend of mine who is a psychologist and recommends it to her clients. It's pretty short and easy to read but I found it helpful. It should be available from the local library
  10. Battle Beast - Show Me How to Die
  11. I enjoy reading the lore because it's messy and deep and I can go down the rabbit holes. It reads like an ultra-serious parody that doesn't acknowledge how unhinged it is and I respect that. Never got into the game, the books, or anything else other than the wiki though lmao. Also some of the fans ruin it. People get a little *too* into Warhammer 40k and make it their personality, but that's true of many things.
  12. Nah, the tulips are like *the* thing our Holland is known for. Well, that and all the churches in town.
  13. Why not just drink the gatorade in the fridge?
  14. Good, I'm glad there were consequences to this. We're what, two and a half years since it happened?
  15. Both weekends of Tulip Time were great. The Tulip Time traffic sucked lmao. Thankfully I live close to downtown and all the good stuff.
  16. I don't think it worked 😔 I want to see your cats
  17. Do the runes have meaning? I kinda want to pull my rune book out and check the pronounciation, but it's probably easier to just ask.
  18. I must've spend more time away from Edgar (my cat) than he would have liked this weekend. I just got home and he's barely left me alone and is *demanding* that he sits on my lap.
  19. Somewhat related: Did you see that Yngwie Malmsteen is coming to the Park Theater Holland in September? I'm thinking about getting tickets. Idk if you're enough of a fan to come that far. I don't think I would go if I didn't live here.
  20. Killing time and figuring out what to i do this evening. I finished up all the chores that needed to be done so there's not much else to do.
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