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Everything posted by et-novum

  1. Drinking some iced sun tea I made yesterday.
  2. This isn't the first time UFOs (or UAPs as they called it in the hearing) have come up recently. At this point it's not a secret the government believes in UFOs. The hearing was actually just about whether the military should be telling congress about them and if it was wrong of them to hide the sightings. I doubt anyone involved in the hearing believes these are aliens. We discussed this in another thread but Scary Guy summed it up pretty well when he said that the statistical likelhood of alien life coming here in spaceships is so frickin' tiny that it is almost certainly not true.
  3. I'm new but I'm going to talk about why I joined. If that's not allowed, well whatever because I'm going to say it anyway. I joined because you guys are local (well, localish. I'm in West Michigan). You're real people. I could meet some of you some day, and I would like to. Many of you are friends in real life and go *way* back with lot of history yet you accepted me, a baby bat stranger, and didn't run me off the forum. You guys have been welcoming on this semi-dead site, and it's really exciting to see some necromancy happen. (Also you guys know where all the cool shit is and can give better info than the sterile Facebook hype machine)
  4. She did, and she was hated for it. But I respect someone immensely who can do that. Because I could not.
  5. Probably not aliens, but it turns out that even Congress doesn't know about a lot of the UFOs. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ufo-hearing-congress-uap-takeaways-whistleblower-conference-david-grusch-2023/
  6. The resonates with me. I resisted being goth for a long, long time because I didn't respect myself, didn't really have friends who got it, and also because I wasn't "goth" enough. It took another goth to tell me, "you know, you kinda are a goth" before I *really* let myself define myself that way. Kinda wish I could've figured this out before now and I'm still definitely a baby bat. But yeah, feels nice to let myself have this.
  7. Oh that's ornate! Is it from somewhere or just a picture?
  8. et-novum

    Bad Omen

    That depends. How fast can you eat it?
  9. What's got you stiff? I hope it's still not recovery from the sleep study still.
  10. I normally shower once a day. But for my activity level, even in the hot of the summer, I'm really not that gross unless I've been majorly sweating. I also have fine, thin hair and I'm unsure if showering/conditioning daily is healthy for it. Probably not tbh.
  11. Persuader - Doomsday News Persuader is an excellent Power/thrash metal from Sweden who has an excellent lyricist/vocalist. ~~~ Another day has come to end. No one heard my prophecy. And if tomorrow brings decay, that's only my price to pay.
  12. Trying to change up my routine to shower less (healthier for your skin and hair). I never realized how much time showering actually takes up.
  13. Campy as fuck music video but the song slaps. It's usually on every metal playlist I make.
  14. Lol looks like my flippant comment hit a sore spot. I'm well aware of all this, I quite like goth cultures in all forms. Gothic architecture is beautiful.
  15. Blind Guardian - Mordred's Song "No one asked if I wanted - if I liked - it" "I never wanted to be what they told me to be."
  16. I thought we agreed goths were the ones that sacked Rome back in the day
  17. I thought you might say something like that XD C'mon SG, there's not any X-files shit you roll around in your head? Not even for fun?
  18. Trying to sleep but wide awake. Not sure why the time I wake up is shifting earlier and earlier, but it is.
  19. I'm not completely sober but I have a relationship with it I don't want to have anymore. I've done sobriety before, most notably for about 6 months last year when I knew I was going to be in a rough patch. That lasted until I had a ~really~ rough patch and had essentially given up on that phase of my life. But that was a pretty depressive space I was in. Now that I'm not feeling acutely depressed, my relationship is healthier, but still not great. I'm really impulsive, even if it's not apparent to the people around me. So, a typical scenario would be: If I have alcohol in the house, I'll say "yeah it's 8pm time for a drink, that sounds relaxing (and I'm bored)!" If I have one drink, I'll probably have another because I'm probably feeling it and my inhibitions are lower. From there... well I'm sure you can work out the pattern. Funnily enough if it's not in the house, I don't think about it much. If I see it on store shelves, sometimes it'll come home from me (an impulse) but I've gotten a lot better about not buying it. And when I'm drinking with people, I can control my impulse a lot better. But yeah, that's my story. Going to try solo sobriety again for a while, but I think I will drink lightly in a social setting again when I feel ready for it.
  20. You've got this! I managed to get myself hype enough to run errands so I'll pass that energy to you ❤️
  21. Inkubus Sukkubus - Vampye Erotica They're hypnotic. I love this group.
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