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Everything posted by et-novum

  1. Leaving shortly to make one last run to my friends apartment to feed her cats this weekend.
  2. Stone tape theory is an explanation for ghost sightings. From wikipedia, I haven't fully accepted it (obviously it hasn't been proven and there's some holes in it), but I think the core of it is good. Ghosts typically don't interact with people directly and usually just seen or felt. If the emotions of a person were felt so strongly to be captured in the time/place or the conditions just right to capture the emotions, it kinda works as a 'snapshot' of the entity in that moment. IMO this would account for ghosts who are apparently different than they were when their human self died - the emotional trigger happened well before their actual death. But that also leaves a hole where you might have a recorded ghost present before the person dies. Perhaps that actually happens regularly and is where we get some of our stories of less traditional ghosts like poltergeists?
  3. The UFO talk in the other thread made me want to start this topic. Paranormal and unexplained stuff is a passion of mine but I never get to talk about it because I'm midway between a skeptic and a believer and because I just haven't met enough people into the weird shit as I am. I believe in the unexplainable, but I'm going to look for explainations first. Also, most of the tradiationally paranormal topics have usually been taken from a Western lens, and that culture has smashed labels onto certain things (especially here in the US) as 'paranormal' and 'cryptid,' but many of those are actually spiritual and religous topics from other cultures. Being part of a religious/cultural tradition is a good enough explanation for me. I was hoping we could use this thread to talk about, but not limited to, aliens, ghosts, cryptids, some of the sillier new age stuff, and anything else that makes you say "huh, what was that?"
  4. Aye, that's the rub. I've heard a *lot* compelling stories - but that's the thing, they're just stories. Very rarely do they have any physical evidence, and often the evidence goes missing. I think life is fantastic and unknowable enough on Earth that we don't need to look for the skies. Plus - the life that exists out there won't be in any way that is intelligible with ours. Humanity is a uniquely Earth development. Aliens elsewhere are likely to have a completely different evolutionary development. At best, we couldn't interact with them any more than we can interact with animals, plants, and fungi here, At worst we won't even recognize them as life.
  5. Do you still have the casket or did it leave when you lost the hearse?
  6. I'm decompressing and planning what I shall do tomorrow.
  7. Yeah, turned out I was just sad. But now I'm not hungry.
  8. Ugh. Had a weird day and not sure how I feel about it. And now I'm not sure I'm sad or just hungry.
  9. Again, new and naive and my only connections to the scene are here on DGN right now, but what would constitute competition? I hope people don't only pick one they want to do and instead say "wow! two camping events" like I do. Sticking it on the same weeked would definitely suck though.
  10. okay while I disagree with you on systemd, I agree with you on flatpaks and snaps. They suck. Just give me normal packages please. It's just better. It's wild to me that Valve's recent Linux obsession and their work on the Steamdeck (I love mine, I just don't game as much anymore) hasn't trickled to the Index. Wasn't that supposed to be their Vive and Quest killer? I love the quality of Valve's hardware - say what you want about the Steam Link and the Steam Controller, but those are rock solid. They just fall so flat when it comes to making things that people want to use (turns out trackpads suck) and also software support. Thank god the Steamdeck is actually worth it.
  11. Oh I know about it. I get distracted by the conversation.
  12. Also there was some mention of Goth Camping and it turns out there just wasn't enough people who bought tickets. Which makes sense, they did spread it over two weekends and committed themselves to selling out the entire campground. They didn't allow it to scale.
  13. I didn't realized there was bad blood between you and them 😅 I'm going to pull the new and naive card and say that I both didnt know and that I'm going to try to involve myself with them anyway.
  14. So sorry to hear that 😕 one-legged limping is hard. I'm glad you're feeling bettter. I hope the kitties appreciated the food -- if they even knew what was going on o_o
  15. I saw there's a brand new podcast - literally the first episode came out today - about the Goth scene in Michigan. It's hosted by Rocas Durran and it's primarily about the Lansing and Grand Rapid scenes at the moment. They talk about music (Danzig, Depeche Mode, Goth Brooks), the new Junction event in Lansing, and some other upcoming stuff. They also have some interviews with organizers from the GR area. I thought it was pretty good! but i'm an admitted baby bat and everything new seems good to me XD They're only on Spotify at the moment but it should be free to listen to, and they also have an associated Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1404458557016990/)
  16. It's 2pm right now, are you asleep?
  17. currently trying to organize my home office and get the clutter under control, but I'm losing steam and need to eat lunch.
  18. Hey I happen to like systemd. It works fine on my setup - but then again I wasn't using linux much before everyone started using it. Steam will definitely support Ubuntu better but I think Valves support on all Linux distros is pretty great right now, except *maybe* on stale stuff like Debian Stable.
  19. You must be a linux user. What distro are you going to switch to? I've been on Arch for nearly two years full time but I've used a few versions of Ubuntu in the past.
  20. I think she walked away on her own tbh. She's got a restless look.
  21. It's probably just renaissance magickal woo but John Dee and Edward Kelley claim they spoke with angels who taught them the Enochian language. I think that script has been used to try to summon angels by others since then. Or is this just a lyric from the song and I'm reaching? XD
  22. Horror Vacui - In Darkness You Will Feel Alright I think Horror Vacui might be my favorite goth band.
  23. I don't know if a cure is the right thing. I love my brain. It's exciting to me to think in the nonlinear way that I do. I don't like how it affects my personal relationships. I don't like how society wasn't made for a brain like that. I don't like how I forget to do / can't do care tasks. I'm optimistic that seeking treatment will let me preserve the parts I like and mitigate the things I don't.
  24. Also batteries themselves are bad for the environment. Lithium mining? Heavy industry required to manufacture them? Infrastructure to support the changeover? The current methods we use to generate electricity to charge them? It's a slippery slope, and yeah it's hard not to spiral thinking about it. Not to say "the Unabomber was correct," but I agree with him that the industrial revolution has had catastrophic effect. We haven't had the temperance or patience to do things in a balanced way. (I disagree with the Unabomber in that killing people is pretty fucking terrible).
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