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Everything posted by Serxera

  1. Flyer looks good. Hoping I can shoehorn it into my schedule. That date is a busy one for me already. Love to see what the various creators of the area are doing.
  2. Been saving the seeds from "flower of the hour" all summer. If anyone wants a handful for next season let me know.
  3. I'll have a round of chili dogs and lamb burgers. First come first serve till they're gone. Be happy to keep the grill hot and cook anything ppl bring along. BYOB. There's a limited bar/mixers available. If you want something specific better bring it along. THERE WILL BE CAKE... PM myself or The Scary Guy for the location. I don't want the address posted publicly/googleable.
  4. Thirty Helens agree. Asylum is teh funzorz. We'll see whoever can make it next time!
  5. Thanks for the welcome! Don't have much time to spend at the computer these days. I'll be around as much as I can.
  6. I live in Detroit or the near 'burbs depending on the moment. HVAC for work. I like dancing and the atmosphere at a few of the local clubs. Every once in a while I staple some trash together to make furniture.
  7. Was a great set. Glad I finally managed to get over and check it out. No vax card necessary. An enhanced driver's license is all one needs to cross over. A passport will work as well obviously.
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