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Everything posted by BrassFusion

  1. tsch lol drac, you know i have a sense of humor. i'm not gonna kill you. but the osteoporosis might...
  2. oh my god, lol... the article was smart but dry but oh my god that video at the end was precious
  3. i didn't know you were polish.
  4. post, god damn you!!!!

  5. Oh, and Harry Potter contracts hepatitis at the end of deathly hallows
  6. You're like the boss at the end of Arcanum who wants to destroy the world to end suffering.
  7. wondering if that could possibly help
  8. Or maybe he just knows how to run a SUCCESSFUL forum. You could shut your mouth and take a lesson.
  9. congratulations! that's the 500th time you've made the "i like pants" post, whether it's really true or not! enjoy your complimentary popsicle! try not to let it melt on your pants!
  10. nah, i just have a good memory. or is it... good mammaries? i 4get
  11. lie awake in bed all night wondering if there really is a dog =) AND YES OGM WEZ IN PAGE 666
  12. Low-calorie pizza. Lite cheese, lite pepperoni. Lame ass substitute.
  13. i know, we all have to do something about lunch. taking like, an hour chunk right out of the middle of the day is unconscionable. i suggest glucose drips
  14. NOT writing a song, that's for goddamn sure. someone inspire me plx
  15. i got the best smelling soap today. i can't stop smelling my hands.
  16. BrassFusion would put Kratos up against Godzilla any day of the week. Or maybe that gay guy from Shadow of the Colossus.
  17. Are you trying to tell us you DON'T sit down to pee? that's so sweet, i couldn't think of a better couple to teach a class like that =) as for me... i'm wondering if i did enough of the same drugs he did, whether I could ever hope to be as good a songwriter as bowie...
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