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Everything posted by BrassFusion

  1. That's an easy one, crank... just don't wear your makeup
  2. Oh they had damn well BETTER post photos on the board =)
  3. In Royal Oak Symphony today, we seriously had another guest conductor. The guy's name is Joseph Striplin, and I seriously thought I'd played under him before at Wayne State once or twice, and I SERIOUSLY remember him looking somewhat like Bob Vila. Google Joseph Striplin +DSO, I'm Feeling Seriously Lucky, if you want to see how seriously stupid i felt when I saw him in rehearsal today.
  4. Yeah, can I leech off you as you skyrocket to glory, and abandon you as soon as you start to lose value? Will there be fast cars, faster women, and hard drugs all the way? Can I be the asshole on behind the music, talking about how underrated you were, all the time capitalizing off your hard work myself?
  5. Dude, it's seriously snowing outside. This is seriously fucked up.
  6. O_o "In a post-9/11 world, making nice to our enemies will not make them nice to us." The basketball thing was PRE-9/11, was it not? God damn assholes with their scare tactics. "Vote for us or everyone's gonna die! I mean like, die before your time, that is!" Pathetic. and sorry, I guess I only watched the first 20 or 30 seconds of it cuz it kept stopping to buffer or whatever that is.
  7. People who don't like my baking make me break out in ass-kickings. Do you like cornbread?
  8. I'm bakin' blueberry muffins. They smell awesome.
  9. 3:47 PM, 10/8- Front 242, Headhunter 2000- It cut out a couple times, came right back. Never heard another track do that, and I'm pretty sure it didn't do that when i've heard it before on here. Could be my connection.
  10. lol yeah, that's exactly what i meant. i didn't want to say it myself, though, that mighta been callous
  11. yeah, it was kinda surreal when i realized i'd known the title before and the homophones weren't even right =)
  12. I read with my browser narrow because I keep the trillian bar open to the side. So yeah, the bracket's on the wrong line for me. I'll pull through. Somehow.
  13. <333 i'm so happy it's becoming a ritual for you guys to be missed only due to particular circumstances...
  14. There had better not be a north wind, you guys... Wait. Is a "north wind" a wind that blows TO the north or FROM the north? It's from the north, isn't it? There had better not be a south wind, you guys...
  15. "You?" Fuck, I live farther away from the D than you do, and my mom works in the SHPD. Mommy keeps me safe. Kinda. Ew. Glad I'm up here in the 586.
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