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Everything posted by BrassFusion

  1. i did the same thing at my gym, it's only 25 a month, but i'm signed up for 2 years. they have locations in warren, chesterfield twp, and washington twp... =J boondocks, i know.
  2. Eat a whole bunch of fresh fruits and vegetables, and try to get out and walk a little every day. I didn't cut out pop like Al, but I did start drinking diet. Diet Pepsi and Mountain Dew are great. =) They also make diet pepsi in strawberry and cream flavor. it's awesome! And I don't know if I'm supposed to find it cute that you sucked on frozen tv dinners, but the visual i got from that... heh. Couldn't that be dangerous if they had any meat or egg or anything?
  3. Only till December 19th. What sort of things can I expect to see while under general anesthesia?
  4. It means you took a biased quiz on the Interweb.
  5. That's on my to-do list now. Dear DGN Genie: What's the best time of day to smoke heroic amounts of weed? Would it be in the morning, in tandem with the Colt 45, or at either of the much heralded 4:20s?
  6. Ugh... Your wife's coming to protect you from me, right? if you can't seem to find anyone though, ask people around the couch about dgners... but if you're there that early there won't be anyone there yet anyway.
  7. Can we get a new Genie? This one's broke.
  8. What's the difference between caring and not caring? Don't agnostics normally believe that what they don't know isn't provable anyway?
  9. Dear DGN Genie: Am I a practicing agnostic, or a non-practicing agnostic? What's the difference, exactly?
  10. No, we thought Pre-Gary was Libertarian cuz he talked about it all the time. We haven't made up our minds about YOU yet.
  11. Bleh. It'll be hella fun to meet Kelly finally, and steve... I guess I'll be drunk enough, lol...
  12. Holy shit, I'm Gandhi. lol, fc, our dots are in almost the exact same place edit again: I take that back, they ARE in exactly the same place... i was -6.00/-4.36
  13. Yeah, i took that about a year ago, and again just now, and got libertarian both times. The reason so many people get libertarian is because it was authored by a libertarian website. they're trying to convert people to vote third party with a skewed test. does anyone have a link to a non-partisan party alignment test?
  14. I'm more a vodka girl. And I do have enough of that for the weekend... but I still need to find a way to pay cover XD
  15. FC said something about hating all caps and all lower case. Now, I have a really weird pecadillo about that. I usually type in mostly lower case, but usually I'll capitalize names, and sometimes I. I tend to capitalize more on a message board, and less in IM. if i'm using exact grammar and spelling everything correctly AND capitalizing as i should, it almost always means I'm really pissed off at you and trying to prove a point. i don't like consistently capitalizing when i'm not pissed off because it seems too formal and pissed off for me. But spelling, yeah, I spell as well as I can all the time. sometimes even in IM if there's a word I want to use that I don't know how to spell, I'll look it up just so i remember how it's spelled in the future. for now, of course, i'm using the DGN spellchecker to pick up "pecadillo" if i got that one wrong. *spellchecks* wtf? it's wrong, but no suggestions??? *googles* ok. so pecadillo is the original spanish but it got successfully coopted to "peccadillo" in english. so there it is. =( it's not in our dictionary, apparently. i actually overheard shade use it at city club a few weeks ago and i'm like, "wow! awesome! no one ever uses that word anymore!"
  16. i don't mean can i afford it long term... i'm starting a new teaching job so i'll be ok in a month or so... I mean, will I be able to afford it on saturday!! ghetto stylez!
  17. *stricken!* I have to go to see the duf!!!! god i hope i can afford it....
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