FC said something about hating all caps and all lower case. Now, I have a really weird pecadillo about that. I usually type in mostly lower case, but usually I'll capitalize names, and sometimes I. I tend to capitalize more on a message board, and less in IM. if i'm using exact grammar and spelling everything correctly AND capitalizing as i should, it almost always means I'm really pissed off at you and trying to prove a point. i don't like consistently capitalizing when i'm not pissed off because it seems too formal and pissed off for me.
But spelling, yeah, I spell as well as I can all the time. sometimes even in IM if there's a word I want to use that I don't know how to spell, I'll look it up just so i remember how it's spelled in the future.
for now, of course, i'm using the DGN spellchecker to pick up "pecadillo" if i got that one wrong.
wtf? it's wrong, but no suggestions??? *googles*
ok. so pecadillo is the original spanish but it got successfully coopted to "peccadillo" in english. so there it is. =( it's not in our dictionary, apparently. i actually overheard shade use it at city club a few weeks ago and i'm like, "wow! awesome! no one ever uses that word anymore!"