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Everything posted by BrassFusion

  1. you could make a poll with check boxes instead of just picking one of 5 options...?
  2. I didn't vote because all those nights are equally possible for me.
  3. totally... there's also no category for "rapist of the bald ones"
  4. i STILL know a couple guys who could help you out with that
  5. That's really bad for you!! =O It could get stuck in your appendix or something equally scary! I know a few guys who could help you out with that
  6. chocolate chex mmm city. who'd wanna eat violets?
  7. drool over? DROOL OVER? let's be proactive and les out. that'll attract them like bees to hunhee (i love this thread, marc)
  8. you guys never ever work, do you? FUCK your sterling heights branch for not hiring me when they had the opportunity... god, i know i aced those aptitude tests unlike the neanderthals that took them alongside me
  9. bloomfield hills? allendale? ...detroit? i thought westland would be a LOT higher on that list... like say, first for instance
  10. damn you have a catgut fiddle? i thought they didn't make those anymore
  11. being a rockstar hurts. all the veins on my left hand are popped out and crazy looking.
  12. hee hee i should probably concentrate on securing roadies and maybe even a manager before i just recruit guys to fu-WAIT A SEC WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING OF COURSE YOU CAN BE A GROUPIE
  13. hi =) I'm a fuckin' rockstar.
  14. someone make me some coffee. it's because i NEED it that i'm currently unable to do it myself
  15. you can't seriously be scared of ants. i was gonna say, "one bee does not a hive make" but then i edited it out of concern for your mental stability
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