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Everything posted by BrassFusion

  1. lol, first time i went was my 18th birthday... and my parents didn't want me going unless I carpooled with a friend, so I did that for about 3 months before they stopped caring. introduce one of your friends to dgn so they get excited about going to city club and you guys can share your cc deflowering together lol (and that's bs lies about not having friends... you're a sweet kid, you just have to ask the right people if they want to hang out and BAM, you've got friends...)
  2. not very compelling arguments. and i guess you weren't there this winter when the bathrooms were LITERALLY unusable through the whole building. and for the location of that lot and its purpose, it should be guarded instead of just "attended" as in "we make you pay to park here but you get no benefit from that." i don't see how having your radio stolen is like, an acceptable loss to go to that place when there are better clubs in the area
  3. coulda been the BLOOD MOON!!!! that happened not too long ago, i think i posted about it. it was something about how the moon was lined up in such a way that the only light from the sun that reached it was red.
  4. oh no, i totally am. i worked tooth and nail and milked my connections to get it in the FIRST place, then when they booted me cuz the season was over i crawled back on my hands and knees licking every boot i passed till they put me in the system permanently. at minimum wage. and of course now i get 20 hrs/week tops, this week i was scheduled 8... i'm severely underemployed, but when i get 4 damn days off in a row it just puts me back in lazy mode =)
  5. waaaaaah i don't wanna work they spoiled me with four days off i'm not ready to go back waaaaaaah
  6. naw, they're perfectly intact. i don't want to depreciate their value by writing on them but i will anyway
  7. if i'd known everyone would have such a horrible time without me there i mighta gone =( i'm sorry guys, i'll try to be there next week...
  8. excessive cardio can f up your blood sugar. and muscle tone improves your metabolism. plus lifting weights is a LOT MORE FUN than jogging. weight training ftw
  9. do you have any fireworks? it's flipping decoration day bitch

  10. i am to please *lick*

  11. working great for me so far.... sounds a lot better than when i stream it on itunes. and i agree with sb... you could link that old banner, right, where it said the title and artist?
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