omgwtfbbq i understand math now
edit for lack of meaningful content: one sperm is practically worthless. one egg, out of context, also practically worthless. i slough one on an almost monthly basis, myself.
let's assign a value of .5 to my term "practically worthless." .5 + .5 = 1, still, incredibly, but twice small potatoes is still small potatoes. in this case, 1 = a zygote, obviously.
still worthless.
it's not until you start adding proteins and other nutrients to that zygote that it actually becomes something viable and not-so-worthless, did you know? cells can divide and divide and divide but without outside materials gleaned from a host, they won't grow. the sperm and the egg aren't the child, they're the blueprint and workbench for an embryo of a fetus of a child. first step is putting the blueprint on the workbench, but you can't do shit till you get some lumber and nails and screws and tools
and i notice you're being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative. stoppit. that's my job.