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Everything posted by BrassFusion

  1. we still gotta throw back some brews... better get on that before you move to the least goth state in the union...

  2. No, it's not. If you're desperate for love, you'll "fall in love" with desperate people, i've found... that's NEVER worth it! better to just take it as it comes. if you could (or already do) play any instrument, which one would it be?
  3. contemplating sushi for lunch AGAIN... maybe my palette is trying to tell me i'm a lesbian
  4. hey everybody, check out the new person... imma give them 5 stars

  5. this thread didn't seriously idle for 5 days. how the fuck does that work i need my goddamn guitar strings already
  6. they're really easy to make out of a bedsheet and we only really need one (j/k)
  7. holy damn you settin' shit up three hours in advance, are there gonna be chicks in togas playing lyres and bears on unicycles or something? i have pretty high expectations
  8. i'm staaaaalking yoooooooou

  9. ok... you're my new favorite

  10. iPod!!!! i got mine and just walked and walked and walked and walked. it's wonderful and relaxing, especially on a summer night at 3 in the morning (pepper spray is a good thing to have). you can just pretend you're off in your own little world and pet shop boys is blaring from the treetops
  11. AGREED! That should receive way more priority in terms of funding and legislation than making sure women don't abort their fetuses, or only abort them in Christian ways.
  12. omgwtfbbq i understand math now edit for lack of meaningful content: one sperm is practically worthless. one egg, out of context, also practically worthless. i slough one on an almost monthly basis, myself. let's assign a value of .5 to my term "practically worthless." .5 + .5 = 1, still, incredibly, but twice small potatoes is still small potatoes. in this case, 1 = a zygote, obviously. still worthless. it's not until you start adding proteins and other nutrients to that zygote that it actually becomes something viable and not-so-worthless, did you know? cells can divide and divide and divide but without outside materials gleaned from a host, they won't grow. the sperm and the egg aren't the child, they're the blueprint and workbench for an embryo of a fetus of a child. first step is putting the blueprint on the workbench, but you can't do shit till you get some lumber and nails and screws and tools and i notice you're being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative. stoppit. that's my job.
  13. as for adoption, do you have numbers of how many orphans in third world countries who need parents? i mean, i'd MUCH rather abort an 8-week-old fetus (instead of putting it up for adoption) if it meant an 8-year-old cambodian child would have parents...
  14. should smile or something, along with every other person in the world edited for clarification: EVERYBODY needs to smile, dammit, seems like no one does
  15. joni, when you call yourself "anti-abortion" it implies that you support revision of current abortion laws, oftentimes the reversal of roe vs. wade. well reasoned opinions always tell more than bullshit ambiguous partisan labels. personally? i'm not pro-choice. i'm anti-fetus. to replace one meaningless label with another
  16. is a singularly amazing bird that migrates yearly between the north and south poles. no one knows exactly why.
  17. men are like women, cept they have penises, external gonads, generally more body hair, and deeper voices.
  18. uh, j... just because abortions are avoidable doesn't make them morally "wrong," or harmful, or anything else that should stigmatize them. i need more convincing. i mean, fuck, tooth decay is avoidable but that doesn't mean we should outlaw dentures
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