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Everything posted by BrassFusion

  1. is it coincidence that temple of love is on dgn radio RIGHT THE FUCK NOW
  2. So pissy today No particular reason Guess it's PMS
  3. hail is like the coolest weather effect there is
  4. there are no fucking fixed bell horn gig bags anywhere. i mean protec makes one but it's stupid overpriced and it's not even very good. it's just bullshit that they don't make cases for my instrument. fuck you ALL. oh, sorry, did i just interrupt some pointless rambling?
  5. i got stuck on 53 MONTHS ago. gotta try again sooner or later i guess
  6. boo!! "your creations" = not useless at all!
  7. if no one went out unless everyone else confirmed they were going out, no one would ever go out...
  8. If i could bottle my feelings i'd sell them as a hangover cure
  9. damn, i didn't know i was going till later in the day, i didn't have the chance to post about it. me and bean were there. and there was this tall mysterious stranger who kept asking about you =( you shoulda been there
  10. fun! and i didn't even get super-plastered or sleep with anybody. had a weird ass dream about this real old guy, though. he looked like ted kennedy or something
  11. doubleplus cool points for the maddox ref. and that's all i got to contribute.
  12. We're all human organic matter. Just some of us have memories and aspirations.
  13. Strangers in the night Exchanging something something, Do be do be do.
  14. I think your standpoint is well-reasoned, Troy, but I'm curious about this paragraph: Even if many people see abortion as "murder," why should ethics hinge on semantics? The procedure is the same.
  15. rhyming in haiku makes it more like dr. seuss than anything else
  16. Defanged cobras don't work as good as those wheelie shoes they're letting kids tear around on nowadays. I haven't witnessed anyone die- YET... (and that video was kinda dumb, the only entertaining part was the comments from people who have their heads far far up their asses)
  17. i voted dgn business, cuz it's been useless as of late. if that dgn cd project got started up again it could probably be stickied under "music." and stuff about promotional things like the dgn myspace or business cards or what not would probably fit into the welcome forum. that seems like a catch-all for "official" stuff which is only right and good cuz everybody looks at it.
  18. No method of birth control is 100% reliable... personally, I've never been pregnant, but if I catch, my response will be, "It's ok. I can afford an abortion." I'm not in a position in my life right now where I could give a good life to a child, so why do it? I mean, *I* sure as hell don't have any memories from the womb. A first trimester fetus is barely sentient, and they have no context of knowledge, pain, or experience. First trimester abortions are seriously like stepping on a spider. Second trimester abortions are more like a mousetrap. And this isn't some "brave new world devaluation of life" crap. If our modern society didn't have access to safe abortions, we'd just be practicing infanticide more often. Like cultures all over the world have been doing since time immemorial.
  19. Cold fire, you've got everything but cold fire You will be my rest and peace child I moved up to take a place near you So tired, it's the sky that makes you feel tired It's a trick to make you see wide It can all but break your heart in pieces Staying back in your memory Are the movies in the past How you moved is all it takes To sing a song of when I loved The Prettiest Star One day though it might as well be someday You and I will rise up all the way All because of what you are The Prettiest Star Staying back in your memory Are the movies in the past How you moved is all it takes To sing a song of when I loved The Prettiest Star One day though it might as well be someday You and I will rise up all the way All because of what you are The Prettiest Star
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