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Everything posted by BillyDeath

  1. Now you all heard from me about the rednecks down here. I say "THE SOUTH WILL FALL AGAIN". It's time to tell'em were to stick the rebel flag. F%^& southern pride.
  2. Now you all heard from me about the rednecks down here. I say "THE SOUTH WILL FALL AGAIN". It's time to tell'em were to stick the rebel flag. F%^& southern pride.
  3. This past weekend, we all celebrated time of sobriety at the Winners club. I picked up my blue chip for eight years. Eight years of no alcohal, that was a mild stone.
  4. I'll have some more after March 6th from the Winners club.
  5. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=64BcllZjt68
  6. http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64BcllZjt68
  7. The Last Boy Scouts Some Guy: *holding a knife at Bruce's face* Just once I would like to hear you scream. Bruce Willis: Play some rap music.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhhtRxqSryshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yp1vT8WMpog
  9. Some go their frequently but still don't manage to stay sober. I don't believe they really want to be sober their just using the meetings as a comfort zone or a way to justify. Some just go for social and free coffee and other free stuff that come along the way, like the dinners and dances.
  10. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=0PF5f_42LLw Here's some more.
  11. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=s8MPzBzLsDohttp://www.youtube.c...h?v=JShmSPyYcV8 Live in Jacksonville Fl at First and Hubberd, the band Southern Sky: Vocals, Gregory Cuje; Bass Ernie Hutchinson; Drums, Bill Aliff.
  12. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iI6rYwtW5ttJYhJ51d_aPbnBpDkQD9ANEUGG0 That was sad. I was really pulling for him.
  13. I realise that a few of my topics has broubht some negative vibes. I wanna apologize for that. I don't wanna sound like a biggot of such sorts. It really isn't bad down here, but making a big move hasn't been easy. I had to like socially start over. Their are it's ups down here as well. It's just been lonely even thou I'm not alone. I've met some cool people who have given me a warm welcome but it was also about getting used to the changes. I am mostly on here to keep in touch with you all and update with what's going on. Believe it or not you all have been supportive, and it was just the little things. I'll try not to pollute this forum with negativity. THANX!!!
  14. They both are awesome; this and the old one.
  15. Poke Salad Annie by Tony Joe White
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEpBdDv0waY It may be old and not but this song is awesome. Tom of Xodus did an awesome cover of it. I wonder if anyone could do a goth cover. Does any of you know this song?
  17. You know, to come to think of it now, it's a very small minority. I just don't use names because that would violate their privacy. I just tend to get discourage about other people sometimes that it baffles me. Again, it's only a few people. A very few. I am also missing Detroit a little.
  18. I am not opposed of the south. I love it down here and made a lot of friends. Another words it's not me frowning on them it's them frowning on me. I could care less how different they are, so I tolerate. It's just some them who don't. Their is a lot of good people too.
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