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Everything posted by BillyDeath

  1. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=jaRVVT8xRnshttp://www.youtube.c...h?v=6a_YQXFs7Ts[/media
  2. Rob Zombie, George A. Romero, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Clive Barker and more... I ain't to much a fan of Clive Barker.
  3. CSX is starting to play hair bands. Riff played High Roller Baby by April Wine.
  4. As I remember three years ago and more, the time I lived up here in Michigan, 89x played old underground music. Matter of fact I remember when 89x was cutting edge to begin with. That was when that station was cool. I wish it would've stayed that way. It's so sad. If you wanna listen to something really underground, try 101.9 WDET sometimes at night.
  5. No my dear, it was in Jacksonville, Florida.
  6. No my dear, it was in Jacksonville, Florida.
  7. I of course was at my goth club in Jacksonville, and saw Christian Death.
  8. take what you need and leave the rest. That is what I have been doiing from the get-go and why I'm still here.
  9. I saw Christian Death last night at Factory @ Edge 17. Most of the original guy's weren't their, and of course Rozz Williams is dead. The show was still awesome. I have gotten one of their autographs and I met Chains wife, Heather. I was hoping that Eva O was their. The only older songs they played were Ashes and Romeo's Distress. They had the basic instruments and violins. Entertainment was awesome too. The lead singer could switch from guitar to keyboard, one hand holding guitar while the other playing keyboard. The show was so authenticall goth, another words they way goth used to be. I took some pictures from my cell phone, but need to get a memory in order to show you all.
  10. It kind of was in the beginning, but after 6 months it wasn't difficult. If thats the way they think, they are totally off the mark. It doesn't have any to do with me what they think.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mu4mSy4_Z8
  12. I humbly ask for someone to guide me in helping me posting video's to posts. As you could see, I was trying to do it on the GLAM ROCK thread. I don't know if it's the computer I'm on.
  13. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mu4mSy4_Z8&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mu4mSy4_Z8&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  14. I'm finding that it is rather entertaining to watch people who get drunk/high and make fools of themselves
  15. Being in the Goth scene for almost fifteen years and going to A.A. meetings and staying clean and sober for seven years, I've been trying to find a medium between the two. I've actually found it but have a hard time to meet people in the A.A who have that same type of balence, if that makes any sense. Some say stay outta places that serve alcohal, but I can go to these places and not drink. I've supported the A.A. dances but they usually are not my scene. Alot of people, in A.A down south, are big in the Bible and don't approve of the pagan beliefs.
  16. Knowing that their's a metal band: Exodus, there's a local band down here that is pronounced the same but spelled XODUS. They cover a lot of classic rock songs, including Knight's In White Satin by The Moody Blues. They sound pretty good but I always wondered why they would pick a name that is the same of a more established band. They could at least add a couple of other words if they wanted to use the term: Exodus. Although there is a Led Zepplin cover band of women called Lezz Zepplin and have yet to see them, but I find it different astribute a cover band.
  17. Sorry if I'm a little off topic but what baffles me is there are some men, who are in their late 20's and up who are only interested or checking out women who are 18 to 25. I love women who are 5 to ten years older than me. They seem to be the best on a personality level. They are also less insecure. I don't mean to sound sexist or stereo tipical, another words I'm not knocking the ladies 25 or younger. Just express how I love women 35 and over. I've dated women in the age bracket of 23 to 25. Bottom line: as long as someone keeps themselves up well and has a decent personality, I don't care how old they are, they don't even have to tell me. I've been attracted to women how were old enough to be my mother.
  18. I would go but I dunno if distance would allow it. I, of course, am way down south and that for me is at least an extra $200, plane ticket.
  19. The dance floor, the shakey rail on stage. The David Bowie Diamond Dog drawing. Last but not least, the city bytes.
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