Some people down here believe only the fact that they were born and raised in the outh, below the mason dixie line, is the only thing they need to qualify them to be rebels. They consider anyone who is from up north a yankee and anyone who moves down here a danm yankee. I find this childish and very steriotypical. What is very offensive is the context they use in the term "yankee". like for instance:"these damn yankees are dumg"or "these damn yankees do this or that...."
This kind of behavior is among large minority from were I'm from. This type of mentality has quite scatter of peole in parts of Jacksonville and the small towns around it. In the past the K.K.K was affiliated with this belief. I'm not saying that everyone who waves the confederate flag is clan member or rasist, but it is predjudice and disgusting.The Civil War was way back in the 1840's, so the mason dixie line doesn't exist. This is not to knock everyone who lives down south nor people who happen to be born to what used to be below the mason dixie line and still remains their. This note is about the southern pride mentality. It sure isn't a part of my heritage.
So I find this southern pride thing pathetic and offensive. Back in the day it was very crucial and a lot of the K.K.K beliefs derive from this. Right now it isn't as crucial but very offensive and provides nothing intelligence. Most of this predjiduce is against people up north. Unfortunately I heard it go on at a couple of A.A. meetings. To me most of these people use it to cope with theit identity issues.It's not so much that I find it offensive but more of something irrevalent that is being shoved down my throught.
Most of these who follow this belief are considered rednecks, hicks, or honkies. Like I said, it is an identity thing. Most of these people are uneducated; blue collered workers; and mostly low class.