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Joey Deadcat

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Everything posted by Joey Deadcat

  1. Heya, I think I know who you are now...you were a Deadline regular, weren't you?
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG7BB6ZtAWc
  3. Child-free Free-Spirited nature strong character empowered marches, dances, prances, and saunters to her own beat depth never a damsel-in-distress has a huge love/appreciation for and understanding of aesthetics, styles, and cultures of bygone decades and a disregard for much of today's pop culture twisted sense of humor pluses but not musts: Already mentioned childfree but if she happens to have a dislike of children then my heart may go pitter-patter and bippity-boppity Celtic stock, especially red/auburn hair and green eyes Mod or ye-ye type style about her with a bit of retro horror queen very minimal piercings and tats - in this day and age it's become too commonplace and seems to be more of a status symbol deal breakers: emotional baggage, self-destructive habits, neediness, clinginess...
  4. I mean, you want "immature"? Sites like 4chan have that in spades.
  5. DGN may have been a few things to me, may give me cause to be snarky at times but I'd never call it "immature"; it's been too much like a quiet coffeehouse, these days, to ever be called as such.
  6. Well, if I were a woman this would describe my mood...
  7. These are the ones that immediately came to mind and are in no particular order (and this may help me in compiling a list for someone). Listing a handful of my personal favorites though some of them could fall into a "best movies of all time" list. 1. The Third Man (1949) 2. The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly (1966) 3. World's Greatest Sinner (1962) 4. Stalag 17 (1953) 5. Breathless (1960) 6. The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (1933) 7. Wings of Desire (1987) 8. Lolita (1962) 9. Night Of The Hunter (1955) 10. A Thousand Clowns (1965)
  8. I'm sure I would return if they ever got with it and changed the music.
  9. Folks have seen enough of my posts on FB to know that - as with Walmart - I'll never set foot in that place. Though Plastic Passions still holds their monthly in another room there, don't they?
  10. Now that I know who DarkShadows is, hey there. Haven't seen ya since the Labyrinth days.
  11. I was 4 when this album came out and heard this song so many times as my mother and my aunts would play this album a lot. I also remember always looking at the album cover and being both fascinated and creeped out by Jerry Hall.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8w9wesIaew&
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kR_bF0mZkE0
  14. That's just it - there is a movement going on, a lot of newer and current artists out there and it seems folks just can't be bothered to break away from their CC/Necto habits to check out nights or events that are promoting this new direction of goth or even check out the artists on their own. As a lot of these artists coming out are shunning the trappings and cliches that made "goth" come across as "lowest common denominator" and becoming less image-conscious the more cynical among us have to wonder if that's off-putting to a lot of folks who have remained in a comfort zone for so long.
  15. Hang Up The Chick Habit, Hang It Up, Daddy-O, A Girl's Not A Tonic Or A Pill... WAH! WAH! WAH!
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