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Joey Deadcat

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Everything posted by Joey Deadcat

  1. I like it; has a groovin' 70s rock feel to it. Reminds me of hanging out @ The Garden Bowl. The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown!
  2. @Zima: To quote Peter Sellers in There's A Girl In My Soup: "My God but your lovely!"
  3. Not sleeping Looking out the window - not so bad out...
  4. Chris Spedding http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-B0GCpQUuDY
  5. Not too big on metal THE greatest garage band ever!
  6. Didn't know that you know Blaze! Haven't seen him in years!

  7. Kinda better - gotta remember results don't occur unless you take action.
  8. Posted this elsewhere before whereas I should've posted it here. In any case this song always gets me shakin' like a madman!
  9. Yer pretty swell, yerself!

  10. A little bit of deathrock would be nice. Closest CC ever came to DR was the weekly spinning of Specimen's Kiss Kiss Bang bang - they still play it there?
  11. I can dig it! I do like the older industrial stuff. And Brian Eno!
  12. 3 bands who are generally maligned in the psychobilly community. Ever hear about that time TA played a free gig with the Betty Fords @ The Shelter where Kim and the Brew Crew made off with TA's backstage beer?
  13. Doesn't really matter, I guess. Anything I wanted to hear (as far as dark music goes) has been played at Deadline and gets played at Something Cold. As far as my general music tastes, I have Underground As Hell, SPAG events, any night Human Fly spins, and the Garden Bowl for that. It would be cool, though, to hear artists like Blank Dogs, Duchess Says, or automelodi at CC. Occasional playing of older stuff like Fad Gadget, Tuxedomoon, The Normal, or Suicide would be nice surprises as well. Hey, it's all "synthy" and dancey.
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