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Joey Deadcat

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Everything posted by Joey Deadcat

  1. My car should be fixed by Monday;hope to see what the place is gonna look like!
  2. Les Petites Souris - On te le Dit, il T'Aime
  3. The most recent track...never could warm up to death/black metal. Why can't we hear this at CC? Though, maybe at Deadline via STEVIE :
  4. Um, Gwen Stefani...actually liked No Doubt's Tragic Kingdom album when it first came out. What happened, Gwen? The mutant wave sounds of Blank Dogs
  5. Yeah, too "scene-centric" out there? Not to mention that you actually have psychobilly gangs out there,too. Not sure how SoCal became the mecca for rockabilly/psychobilly and kustom kar kulture. On the other hand, you have a lot of psychobilly girls of Mexican ethnicity in SoCal.
  6. Dance beats that would go ever well with the CC scene. Too "techno-y" for my tastes, though. One of the faces of the new dark music movement
  7. Boo wop (exclusive to Mister Monster, though)
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz0HBN7k-Rw
  9. What I always listen to when I think of youth and beauty...
  10. Man, didn't she look beautiful working yesterday...
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