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Joey Deadcat

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Everything posted by Joey Deadcat

  1. I can appreciate the concept of elitism on some scale.
  2. Straight-billed baseball caps - the mullet of headwear.
  3. I Look Inside Myself And See My Heart Is Black...
  4. J is for Joey lynched by fetishists and cybers.
  5. Looking pretty mod-ish there - right on! Sounds like the fishbowl was the positive side of being at The Necto.
  6. I sometimes forget that I actually saw them a long time ago; the things one does for friends...
  7. My name is Jose Gatomuerto. You killed the scene. Prepare to die.
  8. Like a painting...or a nonsensical prose...or a thought in the back of one's mind that hasn't quite made it to the front...or a pair of plaid shoes...
  9. "I would have made a terrible parent. The first time my child didn't do what I wanted, I'd kill him." — Katharine Hepburn
  10. Long bangs in the style of Jane Birkin and Francoise Hardy...
  11. Bad for the only woman whom I'd give up being single for. Hope she eases out of her situation drama-free.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwhubbSmgds&
  13. No Colors Anymore, I Want Them To Turn Black...
  14. Either... What was it you lads said that night I played this..."Goth As Fuck". Or... The song and everything about this scene...
  15. Gargoyle Sox was at the root of it but 4AD artists really gave me a push.
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