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Joey Deadcat

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Everything posted by Joey Deadcat

  1. And, Justyn, you must -oh yes, you must- play this at the next one!
  2. Guy will never take Dave Vanian's title.
  3. Like Quasimodo, Erik The Phantom, King Kong...
  4. That's right! Sorry, Guiness and Jager messin' with my head...cool meetin' ya! And, yeah, Helena showed up late, didn't she?
  5. MV3 memories! James Browwwnnn! James Browwwnnn!
  6. New Model Army - Vengeance Man, Kimmy loved singing along to that song!
  7. Well, some girl wanted to wear my cowboy hat and dance with me - that was nice, I guess. Had a cool conversation with Darque Metallion - I got some oldschool metal in me but ...shhhh... And it was great conversing with Prick - that makes you DGNer #4 who knows my li'l situation. Gahhhdddd!!! Met Slogo and I think that was GothyKitten standing nearby. And a couple of old-school CCers - always good!
  8. Expect to see me there! And you can play Car Trouble!
  9. Deadcat isn't Deadcat without car troubles.
  10. A lifetime of solitary confinement - never again hearing another human voice, never feeling another person's touch, just said offender living with himself for the rest of his life. Supply them with the basic necessities periodically and keep them monitored in the event of any medical emergency but, yes, never again allow them human contact or interaction.
  11. Yeah, it was a good night. Good to see you out again, Tracy! Helena, you looked adorable in a tee! STEVIE, you played Mabre Noir! Nocker and Joey...
  12. Alien Sex Fiend - Boneshaker Baby (early version)
  13. All the great shows are going on outside of Michigan.
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