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Joey Deadcat

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Everything posted by Joey Deadcat

  1. D'oh! Realized ya meant the pic on the far left! No, that's from the band Deadbolt. I do have shrunken head art of my own, though.

  2. Anyone put this up? Time Zone - World Destruction
  3. *shucks* Still feeling the same without the tired part...
  4. Chain-smoking, listening to endless 60s French pop music, and digitally working on pics and drawings...
  5. Arlette Zola - Mathématiques Elémentaires
  6. Tired,artistic,pretentious,wistful,youthful...
  7. She put out some great tunes! Amazing that it was the 60s and that she had such punk-styled vocals.
  8. Suicide/Alan Vega Fad Gadget Tuxedomoon I like some mutant wave that's currently going on
  9. Digging the hell out of 60s French pop!
  10. Had to re-check the cast credits; I swear that one girl looks like Billie Piper!
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