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Joey Deadcat

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Everything posted by Joey Deadcat

  1. Been kinda skeptical about this but , at the same, have been taken in by the visuals. This was a series that was never meant to be adapted into any other kind of medium. From reading different fan reviews, however, a lot of our skepticism may be unfounded. The only change that still might bug me just might be how the scene towards the end was handled. That said I still may check it out. No one to go to the movies with anymore so I just may watch this online.
  2. Really? Never got into the current stuff, especially the skacore bands, but love the original 60s artists and the 2nd wave Two-Tone stuff.
  3. Polka is serioussss businesssss!
  4. GOFF IZ SERIUS BIZNESS! *did The Deadcat just type in lolcat speak? Next up: What is ska?
  5. Kimmy would've loved those bat-shoes... Me, love to have a pair of blue suede creepers!
  6. C'mon now... Hell, me, I'm still trying to find barbershop quartet and ragtime recordings from the early part of the 20th Century.
  7. Thanks, Osaka - your post explained it the best.
  8. Hell, I'm not a goth and don't look the part, either. However, I still listen to the stuff from my past as well as the current realgoth and DR bands. It's not about music snobbery, either. There are just some of us here who just happen to be aware of and listen to the music. Seems in this day and age that those who don't identify themselves as such tend to be more about the music; folks who could care less about the music, however, only seem to latch onto the cliches and misconceptions that have been associated with goth. I could care less about your number of prospective sex partners or how many quizzes/polls you post. What do you think of Blank Dogs' sound? Aren't Darling's Cabinet Of Sundry Horror a lot of fun to listen to? Does Nora Keyes sound like Edith Piaf's twisted offspring? Will you be ordering the Drop Dead Festival DVD? Curious as to why goth and punk are the easiest scenes to screw with.
  9. I'm just glad that there exists a "dark scene" that rejects the whole fetish/cyber/vampire/Ren-Faire/depression/bad poetry elements. If the mallgoths, metalheads,fetishists,and gravers wanna keep using the "g" word, eh, let 'em. There's a whole separate scene/movement that distances itself from all of that. And I like that there's a slew of current/newer bands that shun the cliches and bs that had been associated with goth.
  10. Deadline Wednesdays @ The Works...
  11. Mephisto Walz - A Gathering Of The Elementals
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