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Joey Deadcat

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Everything posted by Joey Deadcat

  1. Tom Baker remembers Elisabeth Slade: http://www.tom-baker.co.uk/pages/content/index.asp?PageID=159
  2. Why was that Diaper guy looking my profile?
  3. This is all making me realize that the lameness on the part of the local is making me inspired blog...
  4. Damn you, hipsters - you're making it very hard for me to dislike y'alls...
  5. You cats already know this but for the benefit of the rest: My car still isn't running hence my missing out on great shows. I had to state that so folks won't think I'm as bad as the average DGNer/City Clubber/Necto-goer. wonders how many of the local "goths" were at Necto instead last night*
  6. http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/dw/news/bulletin_110419_01/Elisabeth_Sladen
  7. Never understood any of it - it just all seems so...consumerist...to me.
  8. Like it's family that makes me wanna watch my back.
  9. That makes me smile and makes me feel hopeful.
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