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Joey Deadcat

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Everything posted by Joey Deadcat

  1. Black jeans, I guess, any kind of tee with maybe a button-up shirt over it, black shoes or boots...no need for excesses really.
  2. Country Bob & The Bloodfarmers - Going To Hell In A Handbasket
  3. Dave Vanian & The Phantom Chords - Bad Motorcycle
  4. Surprised folks aren't familiar with Voltaire. Played at The Labyrinth a few years back with Cult Of The Psychic Fetus. Great turnout that night.
  5. 3-D Invisibles - Rocking On Mockingbird Lane
  6. So goth I don't even bother with vampires,bad poetry,anime,rpgs,Matrix fashion,airbrushed fairy art, or black/death metal aesthetics. :whistling
  7. I like Cleo's vocals as well as Rosie's in the March Violets. In a sense, the stuff with Cleo makes me think of a goth B-52s. Virgin Prunes, one of the old-school greats. Always loved The Damned - punk and goth eras. You might dig Dave Vanian's other band, Phantom Chords. Great stuff there. More of a dark rockabilly/vocal outfit that really gives his vocals a chance to shine. I know not everyone's goth or whatever here and they just dig ebm and industrial - that's fine. It's just that there are younger folks and metal kids who are calling themselves as such without even having a clue.
  8. The Detroit "goth" scene is nothing more than EBM kids(ravers in black really hence the term "gravers" you may hear around),emos in fishnets, black/death metal kids, and Marylin Manson/NIN fans all fooling themselves into believing they are "goths". And from what I understand, Detroit is just one of many cities to have a clueless "goth" scene. I'm sure you could ask 99% of City Clubbers about Antiworld,1919,Sex Gang Children, or March Violets and you're going to get blank stares. Hell, do any of the Detroit "goths" even remember Detroit's own Gargoyle Sox? Are there any who know the spook rock sounds of 3-D Invisibles(another legendary Detroit outfit)? Back in the days of Down Where We Belong @ The Labyrinth you would see where the real goths(deathrockers) would gather. DJs Adam Cadaver and The Brain knew their stuff. You could hear actual goth/deathrock being played down there while upstairs at CC the kids danced in happy oblivion to the industrial/ebm/techno music being played up there. Very indicative of the City Club scene. As for deathrock.com - they actually know what's what(hell, on this board very little is mentioned in regards to actual goth/deathrock;Detroit Industrial or Detroit EBM would be a more apt name). If the kids don't wanna learn from them then they can always look up the term deathrock online or read about the Drop Dead Festivals. Simply, look into the real deal before you try to get away with calling yourself "goth". If you're into techno,ebm,industrial that's fine but it ain't goth and neither are a lot of you folks.
  9. The real goths can be found HERE Detroit "goths" could learn something from them.
  10. Like the Twistin' Tarantula's once sang, "a nonconformist with the uniform to prove it".
  11. There are no goths in Detroit.
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