Pretty much what I was getting at in my 1st post here in this thread - my "dropping out" or distancing myself had nothing to do with getting older; it was more about what was happening to the scene. This is the case for many people who were in the scene. Even nowadays, those who would be considered genuinely "goth" cringe at the use of that word and ever being called as such. Partly why the deathrock revival came about.
Hell, even the current goth bands are more likely to refer to themselves as post-punk or indie rather than goth.
This pretty much goes for any post-punk scene or movement that's been around.
It's not about getting older, it's just about not wanting anything to do with what's it's become. However, there are newer scenes that develop as a reaction to that. While I have interest in these (indie-goth, hipsters in black,etc) I'm not just gonna jump aboard.