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Joey Deadcat

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Everything posted by Joey Deadcat

  1. Once you're an Eastwood fan then dweeb status becomes nil.
  2. There are two kinds of people in this world - those who dig Clint Eastwood movies...and dweebs.
  3. Did someone just make a Deadcat blush...?
  4. Very much so. Many are the times I've watched all three films in a row.
  5. Hoping to make this - it'll be a day before my B-Day.
  6. Seen half the films mentioned and of those, Henry was the only one to have a chilling effect on me. Fire Walk With Me? Don't know why Lynch even bothered with that one.
  7. This ever comes about it's the prospect of fetish shows and a CC/Necto vibe that'll keep me away.
  8. Growing up doesn't mean getting married, having brats and a white-picket fence home, working an office job, or becoming Stepford or Ward & June Cleaver. What it does mean is that in your adult life you're able to handle your business, be a responsible individual, take care of yourself good and proper, and maintain some decorum and civility when dealing with your fellow man. One can remain true-to-form with their philosophies, world views, ideals, sense of aesthetics,lifestyles, interests, fascinations, preoccupations, obsessions, indulgences, tastes and wants that may be on the fringe or subcultural and still be a grown-up. Of course, if some things seem daft or tacky on an adult that's because they were already daft when younger. Most of the people I know around my age still look interesting and have interesting lives and still have their bills and payments taken care of. If you're true to yourself and genuine about the things you're into while remaining a productive, responsible person then squares be damned.
  9. Damn...all the better quality vids of L'immaculée érection are no longer up.
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