Uh, what are Wu-Tang, hip-hop, gansta rap, metal, soft rock, stoner, and Top 40 doing in there...?
And why are 60s French pop, ye-ye, and chanson missing?!?!
That would be Ron - used to be head of security @ CC.
We didn't know what was going on with The Lab when he was running it;it only seemed to be open for events. Brought Demented Are Go there in '04 and Calavera in '06 while he was still in charge. Didn't know if he had any weekly things going.
Thursdays @ The Alley Deck @ The Stick just became my knight in shining armor. However, I'll pop down when Nocker and Justin (Deadbeat)make their guest appearances.
I'll be the only one shakin' my feet to Blank Dogs, Blessure Grave, and O Children.
Will be heading up there to hear Michelle spin Punk/Glam/Rockabilly/Trash/Rock/Girl Groups/etc on the Deck Bar @ The Magic Stick this Thursday. If it's your thing come on up!