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Joey Deadcat

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Everything posted by Joey Deadcat

  1. This weekend is just gonna be, as the kids say, full of suck, innit?
  2. And I knew it was too good to be true that that booty club would even have a goth/post-punk night there. Seriously - folks should be fined for even calling that place a goth club.
  3. Shit... Well, reckon I won't be back @ CC after all.
  4. Did I post this thread in Health & Well-Being...?!?!
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VQNCYjswJA&
  6. Just hope folks won't hassle you cats with request for This Corrosion.
  7. @ the above posts and replies: though, rock n' roll, art, comics, and horror make me feel alive. *and the Fireball XL5 theme*
  8. Worked the Lab for the Creatures Afterparty that night. She came down after her show and she was sure swarmed with fans down there!
  9. Nah, I never had it; I feel fortunate about it, though.
  10. Night Of The Living Dead tee, black skinny jeans, black Chucks, whoopee cap.
  11. Worse comes to worse, though, I'm throwing on my black cowboy hat, my leather, and get myself a chainsaw and a shotgun.
  12. Hope you cats will sneak in some of the current stuff as well! Though, I don't think a lot of folks would be able to notice. LOL
  13. CC without the oontz and beeps! *does my Fireball XL5 dance*
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