Valor and the metal shtick aside, this thread is sitting at a table along with the Joy Division one and Alien Sex Fiend one sharing common ground.
Meanwhile, a couple of other threads are calling out to them "you guys, too, huh?".
Redlight right there. Thought that whole stereotypical, bar-rocker frontman mentality was only in the movies! He's really putting too much effort in maintaining image and status?
Please say you broke off contact with him after that. Doesn't sound like the kind of cat any self-respecting, self-empowered woman would be caught dead with. Sounds like dating him would set the woman's movement back several decades; him and guys like him and the $$ douchebag as well.
DJ SPAG, Human Fly, Del Villarreal, Tim Tiki, Brian Necro, Adam Cadaver & Brian The Brain, Sarah & Elisa, Top Cat, and Lacy...
And the youngbloods:
Deadbeat and Nocker