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torn asunder

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Everything posted by torn asunder

  1. i wish i didn't feel so completely alone.
  2. satirical for life sardonic for life self-depricating for life #single for life...
  3. i'm thinking... no, i can't say it. too out-of-character.
  4. dealifts, overhead press, seated DB rows, lateral raises, pushups.
  5. overhead log press and yoke walk. haven't lost as much as i expected...
  6. 1 mile run, sprint a block, walk the last 50 ft, repeat. made it in under 11 min.
  7. last night: squats, decline bench, pronated wide-grip lat pulldowns, seated face pulls, suitcase crunches.
  8. nobody cares that my life has taken one step closer to oblivion... especially me.
  9. yes, i know you wouldn't! it wasn't the suggestion itself, more the way people seemed to pile on to the thought, (and the talk about stopping posting at midnight, that'd really fuck them up etc.) that made me sad. i was also feeling a bit down about people still thinking i'm such an asshole, even after all this time.
  10. my apologies for deleting my welcome back thread for all of you. i admit i was hurt when i realized that many of you only intended this "resurrection" as a practical joke, and planned on bailing after only a day. it was a hasty decision, and i regret it. i went to find it & bring it back this morning, but couldn't find it anywhere, so i'm glad tron had a copy & reposted it. again, my apologies. i'll try not to to be the asshole everyone seems to think i am...
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