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torn asunder

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Everything posted by torn asunder

  1. this whole argument is fallacious. 1)rape/incest/etc - forced unprotected sex doesn't mean you should have to bear that child. 2) birth control fails. if you've taken precautions because you don't want children and still get pregnant, you should, as responsible adults, have the choice to *not* have the child. 3) (and this isn't specific to anyone) who the f**k are you to tell me (or anyone else) what's right for my life? how about i tell you you'renot allowed to have kids because you're an idiot? is that my right? i'm going to assemble a panel to review people's IQ, adn their work ethic, their views on marriage, etc. and tell you you can't have kids, or maybe, you *must* have kids. nobody should be able to force their own moral views/beliefs on another in this country, in my opinion.
  2. i see you being difficult. if you can't phrase your arguments respectfully, please don't post them. it's pretty simple. and for everyone, look to the top of this forum.
  3. an issue like this should be addressed through pm's, not brought out on the board. (that is, if it's board-related - if this happened irl, nevermind!!) (unless, of course, it's directed at another board member, in which case, pm's, please)
  4. actually, i don't believe so - chronic pain can be just as debilitating, if not moreso, than emotional pain, and can completely ruin any chance one might have of enjoying any kind of a life. (obviously, i feel emotional trauma can do the same) out of curiosity, what do you feel are the differences?
  5. seems to me that it's referring to having reached the point in life where it seems all you can remember is pain, whether it be physical, or the pain of loss/emptiness/loneliness. i've known that point quite well in the past. also, i'll mention this quote:
  6. it was closed because at least one post was directly insulting (it has been deleted) and the others are dismissive of others' *opinions* creating an unfriendly, unwelcome environment for discussion. if people can keep things civil, then by all means continue the "debate". the second it gets personal again, it will be closed. and phee, next time, check with me, *and wait for my response* before reopening something that's been closed. i've no problem with reopening something, but lets communicate, rather than assume, or dismiss. cool?
  7. thread closed. don't argue, i don't want to hear it...
  8. let's please keep the discussion respectful ok? i know we all feel strongly about our own perspectives, but let's not be dismissive of the others'. and if we can't keep things from getting personal, please don't reply... just a friendly little reminder!
  9. i knew what he was talking about, but i also know that if you know what you're doing, it can be used for the other quite easily!!
  10. going to try to start un-fattening my ass again, then go out & see if i can find someone to share a smile with - i think i have one or two left in me.
  11. that's exactly what happened with me on wellbutrin. after about 2 weeks of taking it, i found myself getting more and angry, uncontrollably so. heh, i actually threatened to kill my truck!! i don't recommend quitting cold-turkey, but that's exactly what i did. i couldn't take the anger. i felt better after about another week from then.
  12. TLAPD party

    thanks for the invite! i wish i could, but i've got a "poker-run" that day. it goes until 8pm or so, and i'm all the way in kalamazoo, so i'd probably not make it.

    if for some reason things turn out differently and i *can* make it, would you mind if i contacted you that weekend? it sounds like a lot of fun!

  13. Ahhgrrrr!! It be nobler ta be honorin' the day what has people conversin' in piratical-speak!
  14. see, the thing is, i have no problem with helping to guide others, if that's what they need. i'm happy to do that, it makes me feel like my life isn't a complete waste. i do believe people come into your life for a reason, it's just that in the last several years, it seems like the lessons/guidance has been one-sided - i feel like i've helped others, but i've not gleaned anything helpful towards improving myself. makes me think the only reason i'm here is to help others find happiness, but that happiness isn't meant for me. does that make any sense? probably not...
  15. wait, i don't remember writing this!? (i had to take out the first sentence, though, but the rest is striaght outta my head!)
  16. i can't decide if this thread is one of the sweetest ever, or the most depressing thing i've ever seen...
  17. Phee's California Fire summation...
  18. well, not a eurpoean swallow, naturally. but what about an african swallow!? (but then, african swallows are non-migratory...)
  19. well, it was pretty obvious to me it was just a joke.
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