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torn asunder

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Everything posted by torn asunder

  1. going to try to start un-fattening my ass again, then go out & see if i can find someone to share a smile with - i think i have one or two left in me.
  2. that's exactly what happened with me on wellbutrin. after about 2 weeks of taking it, i found myself getting more and angry, uncontrollably so. heh, i actually threatened to kill my truck!! i don't recommend quitting cold-turkey, but that's exactly what i did. i couldn't take the anger. i felt better after about another week from then.
  3. TLAPD party

    thanks for the invite! i wish i could, but i've got a "poker-run" that day. it goes until 8pm or so, and i'm all the way in kalamazoo, so i'd probably not make it.

    if for some reason things turn out differently and i *can* make it, would you mind if i contacted you that weekend? it sounds like a lot of fun!

  4. Ahhgrrrr!! It be nobler ta be honorin' the day what has people conversin' in piratical-speak!
  5. see, the thing is, i have no problem with helping to guide others, if that's what they need. i'm happy to do that, it makes me feel like my life isn't a complete waste. i do believe people come into your life for a reason, it's just that in the last several years, it seems like the lessons/guidance has been one-sided - i feel like i've helped others, but i've not gleaned anything helpful towards improving myself. makes me think the only reason i'm here is to help others find happiness, but that happiness isn't meant for me. does that make any sense? probably not...
  6. wait, i don't remember writing this!? (i had to take out the first sentence, though, but the rest is striaght outta my head!)
  7. i can't decide if this thread is one of the sweetest ever, or the most depressing thing i've ever seen...
  8. Phee's California Fire summation...
  9. well, not a eurpoean swallow, naturally. but what about an african swallow!? (but then, african swallows are non-migratory...)
  10. well, it was pretty obvious to me it was just a joke.
  11. right now, i feel like a fat lazy slob...
  12. i'm thinking that i must be one weak sunuvabich to not be able to find my way past this...
  13. vacillating about what to do tonight...
  14. You May Be a Bit Borderline... Your mood swings make a roller coaster look tame! When you're up, you're a little bit crazy... And when you're down, your whole world is crashing Scary thing is, these moods can change by the minute! What Personality Disorder Are You?
  15. depending on the girl trying to pull it off, i kinda dig this one... not working for some reason - anyway, third pic down on this page...
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