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torn asunder

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Everything posted by torn asunder

  1. depending on the girl trying to pull it off, i kinda dig this one... not working for some reason - anyway, third pic down on this page...
  2. that reminds me of this... today, i'm feeling this way...
  3. "No cause is lost if there is but one fool to fight for it" ~Will Turner~
  4. wasn't sure if this was just for fun, or you were requesting help, so i cleared your watches as well...
  5. i'm thinking that i couldn't even read people if they were "books-on-tape", and right now, i'm sad for the missed opportunities. also thinking, "life goes on"...
  6. should be ok now - i cleared all topic & forum "watches" for your user profile. let me know if it worked!
  7. thanks a lot, meg... grrr is right...
  8. a black cat crosses my path several times a day - i own one! (wait a minute... maybe that's why...!? nah, couldn't be!?)
  9. but... but... i'm tired of... nevermind.
  10. i'm thinking that the above is only true when/if one has the mental ability to laugh. i'm also thinking i need to go into hermit mode again - been going out way too much recently.
  11. one comment - if it does have actual "black" mold (the toxic kind) it will likely be inside the walls as well. if you can, find a section of wall in an area that has the mold, and open it up to the studs, just to be sure. if it's back there, you'll likely have to tear out the walls & scrub the studs as well. of course, i'm no expert, but i looked at a place recently that actually had all of the walls, *and* ceilings, removed to expose all of the mold. better safe than sorry, ya know? anyway, congrats on the purchase!
  12. i'm thinking, OMG, that sounds good! time to go to the store!
  13. i'm thinking that allowing my logical side to rule my life will be my eventual undoing, however, i'm also thinking that logic is more comforting than the whimsical, transient, fickle nature of emotions...
  14. i would like to say that, just because the average weight of people is going up, that doesn't mean that it changes what constitutes being fat. i mean, if the entire world go to the point of having 50% body fat, would that mean that someone with only 40% is not fat? i don't think so... there is a range for how much extra fat one can carry and still be healthy. just because "fat" is becoming normal, that doesn't make it "not fat", if you follow. (and i'm not trying to cast aspersions, as i fall into this "fat" category as well) that being said, i'm glad to see people's self-esteem growing enough to accept themselves as they are. my only concern is that as a society, we're coming to accept a standard that isn't physically healthy, and will (for most) shorten our lives considerably, and degrade our quality of life. i apologize if i've phrased this in such a way as to offend anyone - i'm just trying to share my opinion.
  15. disagree - one can't fall in love with someone unless one allows oneself to do so. agree somewhat, although lust, too, seems a waste of time to me. short-term satisfaction which leads to more emptiness, because once the fun runs out/dries up, what is one left with? a big bag of empty... love no longer exists as it once did. today's society has made people fickle; they come and go as they please, they look for whatever's easiest, and if things become difficult, they bail. if you find another to walk life's path with, accept it for what it is, be grateful, but don't be surprised when those paths diverge again. it's the way of the "new" world... god, what a gloomy-gus!!
  16. i feel like chuckling, because every time i see/hear the above, i think of the cheese shop sketch from monty python - also relieved that the day-long migraine i had thursday finally decided to go away. only the third time i've had one, but it laid me out for almost 8hrs...
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