wheni bought this place, the water level was literally 4-5 FEET lower than it is right now. when the water started getting a bit higher, i asked my insurance agent about flood insurance, he said i don't need it, i'm not in a flood zone.
i'm at work now, the pump has been running since maybe 10:30, and when i left, the water was no lower than when i started. i think the pupm's too small, which means i now get to go buy *another* pump, and hope it can keep up, when i get out of work.
wtf am i supposed to do when it rains again tonight, and tomorrow? seriously? sandbags? i'm so fuckin fed up right now, i want to start punching inanimate objects...
edit to add: it's not even the losing of stuff that bothers me right now, it's the thought that my house may be unlivable if the water doesn't recede, due to stagnation, mold, etc. and if that happens, how much will it be to repair it? and will it be better to just bulldoze the motherfucker & default on the mortgage?
blah, blah, blah... this sucks...