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torn asunder

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Everything posted by torn asunder

  1. i am thinking that even when things seem to be going well, the world knows how to make damn sure i realize life will never be all positive...
  2. pretty good - just got back from hill sprints a little bit ago - wiped me out, but made me feel pretty positive!
  3. band practice - need to really focus & learn some new songs, we might be playing a show in july, and i really want to be ready...
  4. you're debating semantics, which might work here, but remember, this is in australia, where the terms might be used in different ways, or refer to different things due to cultural differences... just thought i'd point that out!
  5. ah, but it appears you have forgotten about me!
  6. ooooo! *jumps up and down* i wanna go!!!
  7. anyone got any decent pics of me? the newest decent ones i have are years old...
  8. even if they can't hold their liquor... i knew i was forgetting something - didn't remember sasha was going to be here so soon, if it's who i think it is!? (restless obvlivion, right? the other "isle" member...)
  9. this is yesterday's, but repping squats with 225# made my day last night. it all went to hell shortly after that, though...
  10. well then, if you're going to continue this kind of behavior as well, you both can take equal responsibility for having this thread closed. if you have nothing further to add, don't, it's pretty simple. seriously, if you two can't behave, then don't post. none of this "but *he* started it" childish nonsense either. you're both adults, act like it. and yeah, this could have been done in a pm, but i want people to know why this thread is closed, and who to blame for it.
  11. hey, how about we get back to a topic that doesn't involve you two harping on each other directly!? kthxbai...
  12. drinking some coffee, hoping it will wake me up enough to workout, because i was a slacker after my long run last week...
  13. learning new songs on the guitar - picked up 3 new ones tonight (classic rock - "america" songs) getting ready to head out to karaoke, though i likely won't be singing...
  14. having solid evidence of the truth of the following (paraphrased) statement: "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear" even if that teacher happens to be an inanimate object!
  15. ditto - waaaay too little sleep last night, too much work today, but should i stay in & catch up on sleep, or go out & find some people to hang with? i need a g/f...
  16. nope - scales suck too - on regular mode, it shows me at 30% bf, and in athlete mode, it says 11%... they all suck - caliper checks are decent and cost-effective. full-body submersion is most accurate, but pricey and time consuming. truthfully, i like your method best, but i can't get away from the numberz...
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