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torn asunder

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Everything posted by torn asunder

  1. oh, and i'm feeling well-rested, and ready to accomplish things today, i just don't know where to start!?
  2. every once in a while, i get this, too! unfortunately, i can never hang onto it for long. i've got to relearn...
  3. i heard a quote a while back that i tend to agree with - (paraphrased) "if you're bored, it's because you're a boring person"
  4. fucking wiped out from my workout - only stayed out for 1 drink, and had to leave. grabbing some chili, and hittin the sack.
  5. post-workout shake, and getting ready to go out for a bit...
  6. just finished practice, and now watching the last "pirates" movie on dvd.
  7. the universe is wise - perhaps one should take heed... i'm feeling like me cracking my neck & back has greatly improved my sinus "issues", and i feel much better now!
  8. apparently, sometime last weekend, i picked up a little bug, that's turned into an upper respiratory infection. fortunately, it'll be gone in a few days, but for now, i'm feeling irritated.
  9. AARRRR!! if they be usin' inflatable boats, why not just harpoon the little bilge rats!? 'tis hard ta be piratin' & plunderin' when yer ship's deflatin' around ye!!
  10. disappointed (and don't make fun of me for this!) never mind... suffice to say, my night didn't go as i had hoped - not that i had any special plans, but one can always hope, yes!? *sigh*
  11. precisely why i said i wouldn't recommend it to anyone! i think it would be better to pm it to interested parties, in all honesty, unless it's just a website or something. or at least check with her before doing so - kind of a respect thing... =)
  12. the decline of self-declared x-tians... what do you think it means for our country? are the implications good? bad? a combination? please *discuss*, *debate*, but keep it polite and respectful, ok!? i'm saying this upfront, because i won't hesitate to remove any inflammatory posts. i'll add my thoughts when i get a chance later. (p.s. did i use that word, "demographics", correctly? just seems odd-looking for some reason...)
  13. yeah, i didn't get a call from msterbeau, until 11:30 & decided to come down from royal oak at that point. was a great night, aside from the $6 rum & diet!? W.T.F.!? i will never buy liquor there again, unless it's some kind of early special. i actually got enough drinks in me to finally get out on the dance floor after last call. hopefully, nobody noticed! i met so many new people that night, but as is typical, i unfortunately don't remember the names that went with the faces. feel free to remind me of your board name if we met, because it's the only way i'll ever put them together! (i also might be confusing meeting some people earlier in the day.) i remember talking with troy, hunhee, metallion, dc, prick, -beau, i'm sure i saw ice queen, and then there were a bunch of people i met late, at the "dgn corner", but there were so many, i can't recall the names. i do, however, remember "smiley"! (no idea who you are though!) wow, i need to come back more often, to practice up on my name retention! i really suck at it! apologies for missing/excluding anyone. i'm sure i'll remember if prompted. speak up, yous!!
  14. AARrrrr! those be REAL pirates & real pirates be vile, foul creatures! a'course, ninjas're also vile, foul creatures, what might bathe more regular-like...
  15. i still feel stuffed from lunch at 2pm today!? wtf?? and i feel for a friend...
  16. not lame at all - treating yourself well is a great way to work your way back to positive energy!
  17. i would never recommend my method to anyone, ever. my issue is that i always try to avoid my feelings, so if i want to get past them, i have to allow myself to give in to them, feel them, let them work their way out, so to speak. this typically involves drinking for a few days, and wallowing in my depression, until i naturally come back out of it. i'm usually good for a few/several months after that, unless triggered by something specific.
  18. pumped!! just finishing a workout!! *flexes*
  19. this one's awesome! wish i knew how to do that...
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