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torn asunder

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Everything posted by torn asunder

  1. yep, still single... wasn't there some kind of "cupid" thread around here!?
  2. lord knows it couldn't make the night any worse...
  3. very, very disappointed in someone, but i guess i should have expected it, and honestly, i can't say i'm surprised. just disappointed...
  4. back pain intruding my thoughts are like angry ghosts screaming through my soul
  5. getting ready to head out for some drinks, alone again, as usual.
  6. like two days without being able to walk correctly, and being in pain constantly, has taken a toll - i need a drink or twelve, so i'm goin out...
  7. wondering what else i can take to alleviate this ridiculous back/neck/shoulder pain...
  8. i feel like, while i'm withdrawn inside my body, an actor has taken over for me, and is behaving in ways i might normally not. it feels like i'm just hanging out inside, watching him. it's a bit disconcerting...
  9. get out while you still have your sanity...
  10. i'd forgotten until today that i'd written this a few years ago - it actually fits how i'm feeling right now...
  11. completely out-of-place, like i don't fit in. either that, or like i don't know which mask to wear today...
  12. watching south park and wishing i would get tired...
  13. having this argument again, but this time, sub loneliness for pain. (or is it the same!?)
  14. oh, and i have a new, harmless, internet-dgn crush... and no, i'm not talkin'!
  15. arguing with myself about staying in tonight. i haven't wanted to go out at all, but every time i hurt, i want to, and i've had a tension headache from hell today that meds aren't helping with. i don't know what to do, and it sucks...
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