15 members at $5 a month would cover it, from what i understand... doesn't sound like too much of a stretch. $5 is *one* meal at mcdonalds or subway, for example - a month! i'll be setting this up on my account soon, i think...
i agree with this... it sounds like, when you quit your meds, you hit a balance point when your body has gotten rid of *some* of them, and then when you've gone past that point, you get worse. to me, that says a lower dose would make sense. definitely talk to a couple doctors about changing things around...
unless, of course, the civil war brings to power another man like saddam, in which case, things won't improve at all... i think we have a responsibility now to make sure the iraqi govt. has the best chance for success, and i think that will require our presence for a while. we do need to have a solid exit strategy, though...
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torn asunder, phee, Head Wreck, BrassFusion, Darque Metallion, Onyx, bav, RosyBlue, spacin
i'm seriously disturbed by all of the flagrant seriousness being flung around willy-nilly in here, and am having serious second thoughts about how seriously i want to continue reading this serious mockery of a thread which was supposedly dedicated to seriousness, but appears to be seriously lacking in it...
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torn asunder, Paper Hearts, BrassFusion, FarrIL, pharoh, qwerty8, froyn, Onyx, kellygrrrrrl, TheVampireZoey, Msterbeau
HA! i'm online finally!!!