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torn asunder

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Everything posted by torn asunder

  1. for me, the key is, if i act the way *i* believe all should, and am true to myself, i win, no matter what others think... the whole "do unto others" bit. ridiculed? humiliated? how can you be either, unless you value others' opinions more than your own? embarrassment comes from your judgement of yourself, based on others' values, what they think of you. accept who you are, and accept that others are entitled to think differently, and embarrassment should disappear. as for coming up with your own plan, i see nothing wrong with incorporating others' examples with your own, as long as it is completely you. seems silly to throw an idea by the wayside, just because someone else already thought of it/did it...
  2. i think that time is a man-made concept. i think everything always has been, in some form or another, and always will be. i think life (as we understand it) is just "god" (call it what you will) getting to know itself. life is the manifestation of thought, which is "god", which is everyone and everything. this is way over-simplified, but it's easier to explain these things in person for me... :ermm:
  3. i have two contradictory thoughts on this - one is that there must be a "creator", because life is so amazing and awe-inspiring... the other is that, the only reason we can ponder these things is because in the infinite amount of random chance in the universe, things worked out *exactly* in a way that we can sit here and ponder this!
  4. i've been studying this as well, and when i get some time, i'll reply - troy, if you'd care to discuss this in detail, pm me... we started a convo like thius at the dgn bowling event, and it was great to have someone knowledgeable on the subject to converse with! more later! :
  5. well, good cuz now you can't be in our club!! wait.... :ermm: aww, fuck! :doh:
  6. looks very interesting and entirely intriguing - i'd like to check this out myself...
  7. i believe it should be called uncommon sense... can one live in both the physical and the dream state at the same time?
  8. "you'll see it when you believe it" by wayne dyer - i think everyone on the planet should read this book!! simply amazing!
  9. toad the wet sprocket - throw it all away...
  10. i didn't realize it was taken out monthly - thought it was like a 6-month deal or something...
  11. since i've just recently found inner peace, i can't use that one anymore - so i guess i'd have to say mind-blowing sex... hopefully sooner rather than later... :grin:
  12. i've never, nor am i likely to ever, meet anyone famous... and that thought doesn't bother me in the least.
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