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torn asunder

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Everything posted by torn asunder

  1. i'm thinking that no matter how many friends i think/ it appears i have, i'm entirely alone in this life. if nobody heard from me for a while, it would takes months before people started to wonder where i was.
  2. it's interesting how people differ - if a woman came up to me and said that, the *last* thing i would do is go home with her. that's what keeps life interesting, i guess, right?
  3. i find it hard to be insulted by any attention, even if it's a bit overzealous. i'd personally be flattered, and tell them so, but then proceed to explain that it's waaaay too early to be bandying that word around (and yes, for effect, i may even say "bandying"!) if i did really dig them, i may wait to see their reaction to my explanation, to see how maturely they could take it, and whether they were capable of mellowing out. on the other hand, if i wasn't crazy about them, or was on the fence, i'd let them down easy by saying that i think we're in different places emotionally/relationship-wise, and that it wasn't going to work out. but honestly, never would i feel insulted by a declaration of positive emotion. disappointed? frustrated? sure. it's difficult enough to find someone you'd even care to date in the first place.
  4. you forgot... "what... is your name?" ... "what... is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow!?"
  5. completely agree! "this is the tale of Captain Jack Sparrow..."
  6. i'm thinking, "i wish i could bring myself to be forward enough to ask out cute girls i meet." i also wish i could make it back to CC sometime soon but it's not like anyone would notice.
  7. don't sweat it - took me several months before i could make it out... plenty of time.
  8. heh, this is why i don't post much.
  9. the other big problem is that people just research (if they even bother to do that) the presidential candidates. any idea why the president can't get shit done? yeah, congress(wo)men and senators. you want change? vote the "career" bums out of office! give the president people he can actually work with...
  10. QFT! in my opinion, anyone who votes for the "lesser of two evils" is a major part of the problem. stand up! convince your friends! make your voice heard! vote your god-damned conscience! vote for who you want, not who you think "can win". don't be a sucker. the whole premise of voting is predicated on people being true to themselves and their beliefs. you vote for "a winner", you're a sheeple, and you disgust me! (i'm serious though - vote your fucking conscious or nothing will ever, *EVAR* change!!!)
  11. well, it appears it's not as lonely as it first was, i haven't heard a peep from ya!? hope your finding some fun times & good shows here in town!
  12. michigan is non-smoking now - there is a smokers area downstairs, but afaik, there's no smoking allowed in the club...
  13. 1994 Infiniti Q45 - (the above picture is not my car, but the same make/model/colors. I'll post a pic of my actual car this weekend.) should also mention that i'm in kalamazoo - west side of the state. if you're east-side, arranging a test drive might be a bit tricky!? link to features & specs page. I've put new fuel injectors in a couple years ago, new front brakes last year, and once the repairs are made from my minor accident yesterday, it will have a new rack & pinion steering unit. everything works - heated seats, cruise, heated side mirrors, 2-way power moon roof, a/c, etc. please feel free to contact me with questions regarding the accident - the basics are that i swerved to avoid a car that had turned on front of me, and ran over a curb onto the sidewalk before i stopped. cosmetic damage (dents) to the front passenger fender and door, no major damage aside from the steering unit. i'd been planning on selling the car for a few months & never got around to it. asking price is $1900 or best!
  14. bummed out that the little car accident i got into last night will end up costing me almost $1000 to get the car back on the road, and will reduce the asking price i had on said car by $1000 as well. anyone need a good, reliable luxury car with some minor dents on the front passenger side? $1700... (more details to be posted in the "promotions" forum.)
  15. i miss having someone to ride out with me, to see live music, to get into deep philosophical debates/discussions, to spend entire weekends in bed with... *sigh*
  16. ...returning random hello with reply! how goes it?

  17. gonna do my best to make it back up in the next few weeks. prior obligations this week. hope it goes swimmingly!
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