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torn asunder

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Everything posted by torn asunder

  1. i'll have to re-watch it - it was fascinating to see, though! i love shit like this!
  2. i think you're missing the point... i've never had somebody else's big mac, or drink, drift across the room & enter my body. smoking is different than the other negative habits people have, because people *can't* stop it from impacting others. i can choose not to eat a big mac, or have a drink - i *can't* sit in a bar & choose to not have other people's smoke enter my body. personally, i like going to bars, usually to see live bands. i order a diet coke when i go. i have to put up with second-hand smoke because there are so few places (none that i'm aware of in k'zoo) that are non-smoking and have live bands. personally, i'm thrilled that these places will be smoke free. i do, however, think these establishments should be allowed to provide accomodations for smokers, because it's also unfair to make it so difficult for them to partake of their chosen vice. if that can be done while allowing me my right to choose not to smoke, i think it should be allowed.
  3. i don't think anyone can argue that the way they went about this ban/what it entails is kinda shitty, but imo, it's a step in the right direction. now that we've taken that step, we need to modify it, to make things more reasonable. i've mentioned it before; what really should happen is 1) businesses should be able to buy a "smoking" license, just as they do a liquor license. the extra revenue brought in could be used for inspectors to do the following... 2) there should be regulations on the air quality of establishments purchasing said license. air filtration systems (e.g. requiring updraft filtration to prevent side-drifting of smoke), random air sample testing, fines for exceeding established limits, and revocation of said license after X number of violations. 3) workers who are employed by smoking establishments should be required to sign a waiver (or some other form of acknowledgment) that they understand they will be working in a smoking environment and are ok with it. the current ban is a step in the right direction, (imo, as i said), but now we need to refine it for practicality and equality.
  4. i'd say... 10% creepy - 90% ♫ AWESOME!! ♫
  5. NOOoooooo!!! who would do such a thing!? i mean, no guy in the history of the world has ever used music as an "in" while having an ulterior motive, has he!?
  6. cover them before talking with people about jobs!?
  7. good point - i mean, you can learn from someone by getting on a set & just keeping a basic rythm, but a good teacher will start you off with a practice pad & teach you several different rythms/riffs. getting the fundamentals down is the most important - once that's done, you can transfer those skills to a real drum set. of course, if he's a drummer & just causally offering to show you some stuff, that's cool too, but i wouldn't pay for anything in that case...
  8. hmm... i would think that fucking everything would make your day *better*!?
  9. wow - without context, that leaves that sooo wide open to interpretation!
  10. i'm also thinking... it's said that if you die in your dreams, you really die. well, what if you 'die' in your dream, but have an out-of-body experience? it's still you, right? it shouldn't apply anymore, because who you are is still alive, right? now i'm thinking that i'm a weirdo having a *really* weird night...
  11. i'm thinking, "is it strange that several times a day, practically every day, i laugh out loud, i mean really laugh, at stupid-funny shit on tv, especially when there's nobody else here!? does anyone else laugh when they're alone? i never used to (or rarely did), not sure when it started. hell, used to be that i could watch comedy movies & do nothing more than crack a smile. so, which of those two is normal!? i'm thinking i'm a freakin' weirdo...
  12. strangely enough (to me) - me too, at least right now...
  13. i miss my throwing knives - they were cheap "army surplus store" knives, but they were balanced pretty well, and i used to be pretty good with them. (i never was any good at varying my distances, though.)
  14. one can only give up one person at a time, and hope the next one is better!
  15. most of those people's anger and cruel nature extends all the way to the bone. with all that inside, there's no room for tears. that makes *me* sad... :(
  16. strong. i feel strong. i love feeling strong! (just got done with a workout & running...)
  17. how so? it's supposed to be similar to the "funny quotes of dgn'ers", but of things off-board. the reason i mentioned the "outing" rule is to make sure people know to get the ok from everyone involved, before posting. if someone doesn't want the convo posted, it shouldn't be. (and if it is, it will be removed.) and if a comment is intentionally posted despite someone not wanting it, the poster will have to deal with the consequences. i think that's fair, and clear-cut, don't you?
  18. it's about fuckin time they start getting back to this stuff. i really dislike how psychedelics got such a bad rap in the 60's. there's a lot of good these things can do, if used properly, and in the right setting. you'll note the woman in the article had people around her she could trust, and was very comfortable in her surroundings before partaking. to me, that is one of the big keys to these drugs. there's a reason they call them "mind expanding". it was one of the beatles (can't remember if it was john or george) who likened psychedelics to (and i'm paraphrasing) "windows that give a view into another realm" (enlightenment). he said that meditation was the key to reaching nirvana, but that psychedelics could help you to essentially "see where you're going". i've long been a fan of the concept, but have yet to find an opportunity to participate. if i had a "bucket list", this would be one of the *big* things on it, provided i could create a similar harmonious atmoshpere in which to explore & free my mind.
  19. werewolf FTW! the plymouth fury from "christine" or the dodge M4S interceptor from "the wraith"?
  20. *wonders quietly aloud* (i thought this thread was supposed to be for things said on dgn!?)
  21. wow, very cool! i have a question though, or maybe more of a concern - at about 0:58-1:02 of the second video, they do something they said they weren't allowed to do. they created a crease/sharp point in the two loops when they transitioned the circle. did anyone else notice that?
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