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torn asunder

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Everything posted by torn asunder

  1. lift, then out for a run again. maaaaan.... i gotta start doing this a hell of a lot earlier in the day!
  2. single & not looking until after i move. as far as kzoo is concerned...
  3. and i'm still wondering how long it will be before you stop trolling & address one of my recent posts (with some sort of reason beyond (paraphrased) "i'm a jerk, too bad"). you just said it was your intent to be offensive. knock it off, show some respect to your fellow board members, and try actually defending your position, rather than trying to piss people off...
  4. point is, they *are* that sick (without pot) - with it, they can still function/have a life! so from what i gather, you'd rather euthanize someone than allow them to keep having a life by smoking pot (or cooking with it, or vaporizing it, etc...)!? like, "fuck em, if the only way they can live is with pot, they should be killed!"? really??
  5. laughing about what? that this guy was convicted, or at my apparent lack of knowledge of my rights? if it's the former, i don't see what's so funny!? if it's the latter, well... i'm the first to admit that i don't know them (my rights) that well, but it seems like i'm afforded some protection from unreasonable search and seizure, and if i don't ask/they don't tell me why they want me to do something, it seems like i'm giving permission/giving up my rights in that respect by complying without question. they need some sort of reason to suspect me of something in order to search, don't they? shouldn't they be required to tell me what that is? i'd love to be educated on this if i'm wrong, so help a brother out!
  6. yeah, this has to be one of the more ignorant things i've read in a while. you ever heard of a doctor prescribing drinking *on the job*? marijuana is recognized as a medicine now, and as such, there shouldn't be these kinds of repercussions for following a doctor's order. and anyway, if you had read the article, you'd know that this person didn't go to work stoned, they had a work accident & tested positive for pot, that's not even close to the same thing. if this holds up, then i want to see random drug tests for percocet, vicoden, codein, wellbutrin, concerta, celexa, lexapro, etc... every one of those drugs affects your personality/abilitites just as much as pot does. hell, do you know what adderol is? it's a combination of racemic and dextro amphetamines!! i think anyone on adderol should be fired/kicked out of school, and arrested, cuz amphetamines are bad! does that really make any sense?
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBwzH8mU6q4&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT2wN9pxbj4&feature=channel
  8. i'm personally having a hard time reconciling the fact that they seemed to define resisting as asking questions. you can sure bet i'm gonna ask what i did/why i'm being asked to do something. is that no longer a right?
  9. just finished lifting, gonna go for a run.
  10. i found this article today, and it really piqued my interest! dark flow... what do you think? is it possible there's more beyond our known universe? i do!
  11. trying to wind down from practice, not having much luck. watching star trek, and wishing i was tired...
  12. where's the awesomeness in that? it's just a rotary bike. i mean, how cool would it be to have a shadow or a vulcan or something ordinary, with a twin-rotary engine!!
  13. kinda bummed, mostly antisocial, but i promised people i'd be out for the show tonight & i missed the last one. still, not looking forward to going...
  14. i had a friend in school who refused to stand for the pledge too - he was a jehovah's witness & said it went against his religious beliefs. there were a few kids who stood up for him, but the majority were assholes.
  15. tbh, i've always wanted to put one of these engines in a motorcycle - one of these years, i'm actually gonna do it!
  16. i'm feeling out-of-place again, and that i may just have to start looking up flight costs to germany...
  17. honestly, the rx8 *is* a 2-seater - have you seen those back seats!? big enough for a 3 yr old, maybe, but that's about it, from what i remember...
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