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torn asunder

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Everything posted by torn asunder

  1. what ruined my night was two-fold... 1) finding out a woman i just met tonight, and whom i find quite attractive, is engaged to a new buddy of mine, and 2) being approached by said woman, and being told that she thinks i and her very cool friend, (who i'm physically *not* interested in, in the least) would be a good couple. why the fuck can't it ever be the other way around?
  2. now, in no way am i calling you a liar or anything, but i'd have really liked to see the macro breakdown between your "organic" diet and your "processed foods" diet. did you track it? what were your ratios of carbs/protein/fat? were you eating the same number of calories? what was your calorie intake vs. output? and also, what kinds of proteins? what kinds of carbs? i can eat 1000 calories of frosted flakes, and 1000 calories of cold-rolled or steel-cut oats, and in no way are they "equal". i can eat 40 grams of whey protein isolate, 40 grams of protein from chicken, 40 grams of protein from soy, and 40 grams of protein from milk products (casein), and they will all process differently. this has little to do with the effect of pesticides on weight los, imo. (btw, whey protein isolate is hugely processed, but there's nothing bad about it. just because something is processed doesn't automatically make it bad.) i'm not disagreeing with the idea that pesticides & such are bad for you, i'm just saying i think they have very little to do with problems with weight loss.
  3. well, i do agree with you regarding the two diets you describe, but you're really comparing apples to oranges. a diet of real foods vs. a diet of highly processed foods is no contest. the article talks about the problems with "natural and synthetic chemicals known as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs)". did you notice the term "natural" in there? one of the things they talk about is the natural hormones found in soy proteins. they act as estrogen in the body, disrupting natural hormone levels. this is an "organic, natural" food, yet they're throwing it in with all these other artificial chemicals!
  4. the two diets your describing have little to do with organic foods vs. inorganic, you're talking about real food vs. processed. processed foods like cereal/cereal bars are high in carbs and terribly low in protein, setting up high fluctuations in blood sugar levels. this contributes to the rise of cortisol in your system (a stress hormone) and that is known to promote catabolism (breaking down muscle for energy) among other things. eating nothing but 2000 cal. of mcdonalds hamburgers & chicken sandwiches would be better than high-glycemic-index foods like cereal/cereal bars (although admittedly not a *lot* better!). even though mcdonalds can be high in fat content, it's also full of protein. the problem is, most people don't understand how to create a proper diet. if i were to create identical diets of real food for two people, one of whom ate totally organic, and the other who ate the same *real* foods, but ones grown/raised with modern practices (including pesticides/hormones), you likely wouldn't see much of a difference in weight loss or health issues.
  5. well of course there are - there are exceptions to every generalization. i'm surprised i still have to explicitly express that...
  6. quite true, and i prove that myself, but on the subject of gay marriage, conservatives are against, liberals are for it, in general. it was just an example...
  7. not really talking about the people who are "well, my daddy was a republican, my granddaddy was republican, so i'm republican"; i guess i'm saying that while many people live exactly what they believe re: liberal vs. conservative, there are also a lot of people who can be more open-minded regarding others than there personal views would indicate. a lot of the problem with the "tron" people is that many don't take the time to research things - it's just a lot easier to "vote democrat" than to study the issues & make an informed decision. people really are lazy (at times, myself included). generalizations can work sometimes, for example, if i haven't had time to research something, i know that, in general, i'm more liberal in my views, so i will look towards some of the third parties when voting, and will likely avoid most conservative options. (i prefer not to vote, if i'm uneducated on a topic).
  8. well, a kind of poor example might be that i'm cool with gay/bisexual lifestyles, but have no interest in participating in a gay relationship. i support gay marriage, but would never do it. socially liberal, personally conservative.
  9. you know, this thread should be re-titled, "*skinny* guys with long hair are hot". it's almost all, nothing but stick-boys!
  10. all i have to say about this at this point is that there's a big difference between being personally liberal/conservative, and politically liberal/conservative.
  11. that article is an interesting piece of inference, but with all of the "probably", "may", "suspected", and "thought to" phrases thrown about in it, it's really nothing more than speculation & i don't buy it. i'm not saying these things don't have *any* effect, but to say they're the reasons diets fail is just silly. *most* people who start diets want immediate results, and when they don't see any in a month or so, they give up. usually people don't even track their calories or exercise enough to know whether they're in a calorie deficit or not. people want immediate results, they don't think about the fact that for most of them, it took years to get overweight, and it'll take years to get back to being healthy. i'm really irritated by this continued trend of people looking for any and every possible reason that it's not their fault... (and yes, i realize that doesn't apply to everyone. please don't jump me over specific situations for which the above doesn't apply...)
  12. translation = "no alcohol (is no solution either)"
  13. why not draw this on it, only with X's over the eyes!?
  14. for the past few days, i've been able to run in shorts & a sweatshirt!! YaY wArM wEaThEr!!!!
  15. very cool! i'm still learning about haiku/senryu, what rules apply, forms, etc...
  16. i'd really like to go this year, but i have no idea what my schedule will be like, as i don't have a job now, but need to get one before then, and there's no way to know if i can make it. is there an "optional" choice? like, i'll make it if at all possible!? cuz i really do want to!
  17. depends on the job and how much you make/how many hours you work. i'm not sure the exact ratio, but my understanding is that there's a certain point where they actually stop paying. if the job is in that range, but still not enough to cover his payments, i can see not taking the job.
  18. might not be an elbow issue - i had the same thing happen to me (same two fingers) and it ended up being a problem with the alignment in my (i think) C5-C6 vertebrae. had an adjustment & it cleared right up. just thought i'd mention it as something to keep in mind, maybe check out... =)
  19. DGN @ City Club, Saturday, March 13th. 400 Bagley Street Downtown Detroit You enter by going through an unmarked door on the First Street side of the Ramada Hotel building, located at 400 Bagley Street in downtown Detroit. The club is at the top of the stairwell. (see picture in the link above in the DGN calendar entry) Come. Join us. Meet us. Hang out. We're not that scary in person, really. Leland City Club All are welcome. Come meet some of us weirdos. Saturday nights from 10:00 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. Alcoholic drinks until 2:00 a.m., pop and juices served all night. Admission is $4 18 and up, 21 to drink with proper ID (no exceptions). No drugs, weapons, chains or spikes. We've had reports that the CC parking lot will not break bills larger than $10, so try to bring smaller bills with you. Zoom able map to Leland City Club MDOT lane closure (The map isn't quite exact. The Leland is located within the Bagley, 1st, Cass, Plaza Dr. block.) In case you don't know the "DGN Corner" is to the right of the bar. Currently theres a table, pillar and long narrow wooden table, impossible to miss. Come say hello. If no one is there, stay there, they will show up. Note: If you're NOT going this isn't the place to post about it.
  20. watching castle & getting ready for bed.
  21. debating whether to go out later tonight, or just go to bed...
  22. maybe just ironic, as hitler was such a "master race" bastard!? oh, and i *love* this one!!
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