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torn asunder

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Everything posted by torn asunder

  1. you know, i really dislike the idea of this, but damnit, if they can have a network like BET, why can't there be an all-white sports league?
  2. two posts have been deleted from this thread - to those involved, i would suggest taking personal matters to PMs.
  3. heh... although quite a bit more blunt that i'd be, i tend to agree with this.
  4. me too - i fear the superbowl might be too "macho" for something like this, in the eyes of the network. i really hope they "man up" (HA!) and run it regardless!
  5. try to think more globally - may isn't in the spring, in the southern hemisphere.
  6. 1st step on the road to breaking the stranglehold the two parties have on politics now, is by working to vote in a 3rd party - *any* 3rd party, on the national level. we all know that a 3rd party candidate will never win, but as i've been saying for years, if a 3rd party can garner 5% (i believe) of the popular vote, they not only get federal funds for campaigning, but also (and more importantly, in my opinion) they get included in the national debates. *this* is how we get people thinking "outside the box", when it comes to political alignment. as long as the republicrat duopoly has locked out any third parties from national debates, we will *never* have any change, any progress. vote for the third party *any* third party, that looks like it can garner 5%. don't be afraid they'll win, they obviously won't; don't be afraid they'll pull votes from "the lesser of two evils". why? because even the lesser of two evils is "evil". you want change? stop voting for the same fucking thing all the time... wow, how did this turn into a rant? all i wanted to say about the pres. speech is that i'm glad for once, a president faced up to things & admitted mistakes. i found it refreshing. i don't personally recall the last few presidents ever doing so...
  7. i knew i talked about this kind of stuff before - here's a couple of links... link #1 link #2
  8. shit - are you being medically supervised on this diet? like, actually seeing a doctor, getting bloodwork done, etc? because if not, you're running a huge health risk. a nutritionist isn't enough. i'm not trying to discourage at all, just concerned.
  9. a week is really nothing for a plateau, i wouldn't sweat it. drinking, however, is most definitely a metabolism killer - your body processes alcohol first, before fat, protein, or carbs. it's also a systemic depressant (not necessarily psychological) which means it slows metabolism. How is alcohol metabolized?
  10. i don't know how closely you track calories, or even if you do, but sometimes when people hit a plateau in wieght loss, they need to do something that's really counter-intuitive - for a couple weeks or so, you might want to try increasing your calorie intake by approx. 250 cal/day. if the plateau lasts for a while, you may want to try this, it can help to stimulate your metabolism!
  11. even selfish bastards who are only out for themselves are honoring their own personal belief that they're the most important thing in the world... personal honor in no way indicates altruism. i believe that "altruism" should be one of the main goals towards which people strive. working towards the betterment of all with the best intentions one can have. one can't control the outcome of one's actions, so one must strive to control *intent*.
  12. as iv'e been saying all along, you can't make projections based on a dataset that's smaller than the time frame of the natural cycles involved. i'm glad to see things falling apart on this...
  13. (i didn't know anyone saw that post! i deleted it rather quickly...) anyway, as you can see if you peruse this thread in its entirety, i might as well live states away, as i'm not crushed on anywhere in it, hence *my* comment!
  14. i'm still laughing at the "omg - shoes!" video someone posted in the "awful songs" thread...
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