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torn asunder

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Everything posted by torn asunder

  1. damnit, i'm really starting to loathe 'not drinking'... it's keeping me from going out & socializing, because i don't have any non-bar friends to call. and so, yet again, i'm feeling isolated & alone. grr...
  2. i'm thinking that i really want to take the cycle out tonight, but i don't know where to go, as i don't feel like drinking & sitting in a bar without doing so pretty much sucks, especially when you're not hanging out with anyone else. hmmm... to go, or not!?
  3. if you're going to make a statement like that, you should probably back it up, because you just know people are going to want5 to know what the hell you're talking about...
  4. yep - people who are quick to point out others' failings/flaws/sins are typically trying to draw attention away from their own failings, which are usually consistent with the flaws they complain the most/strongest about! (did that make *any* sense!?)
  5. wishing i had some diet dew, and debating on whether i should go out to get some... (diet dew, that is!)
  6. i'd like to hear anything from "megaherz" or "oomph!"
  7. this phrase is misleading - the word "diet" as it is currently used, implies restriction/sacrifice, but that's not really what it is. anything you consume is your "diet", therefore, "diets" can and do work, if modified properly. it's all about moderation and control. carry on...
  8. i am by nature a pacifist - hell i got jumped from behind in a restroom once *while standing at the urinal*, and didn't even hit the guy, i just shut him down (grabbing arms/restraining him). i'll do everything i can to not hit *anyone*. i will defend myself against a man by hitting, only as a last resort - when it comes to women, i'm either going to restrain them in some way, or leave the scene. i don't care if the woman is twice my size/strength, still won't hit em. maybe, and i mean *maybe*, i would strike back if they were trained in some fighting style, but even then, i'm most likely to just wrap them up in some way to prevent them from hitting me. i just in no way, shape, or form, feel hitting a woman is right, ever.
  9. totally and *completely* disagree. i will never say it's ok to hit an unarmed woman. now, if she has a weapon, that's a completely different story...
  10. because "hello" is a very common greeting in the english language - perhaps a better question would be "why *not* hello?" !?
  11. i see where you're coming from, but in the case of something like derby, where you're trying to connect with the public, i can see abbreviations/slang in limited use. i mean, it'd be hard to connect with people by saying something like "You have been formally invited to partake of the festivities that will abound during our upcoming bout."
  12. yes. "somewhat". basically, if a president does something that does not require external approval, it's on him, but if it requires approval of congress, how the hell can he be blamed for the failings/infighting/politics of hundreds of others?
  13. granted i don't know many of these bands, but this looks like a very interesting setlist (meaning, i wish i'd been there for it). do you guys know who megaherz is? like "Die Gedanken sind frei", "Gott sein" or "Kopf durch die Wand"? i love these guys & think they might fit well...
  14. i would also like to say, and i'm not trying to be an ass about this, i find it hard to take a job/company seriously with an ad that fails to use proper spelling and grammar (and yes, i know i'm not capitalizing). it reflects poorly on the company, and really makes me doubt their ability, and even legitimacy. just a friendly suggestion!
  15. no, you smart-ass! *the president* is somewhat blameless - *every* president. they can promise all they want, but when it comes down to it, they really don't have the control to deliver on their promises, it's always up to others.
  16. i don't think this is exactly fair - afterall, he's not the one who can finalize/enact everything he wants to do; he answers to others... they're the ones who are failing him, imo. not to say that he is without fault, but his "legacy" (in fact, *any* president's legacy), is for the most part, in the hands of others.
  17. i disagree about this - i keep seeing signs asking for people to donate their boats... boats!? are you f**kin kidding me? what's a poor person gonna do with a boat? but obviously, there is a "market", so to speak, for even this. donating car parts is a great idea, because there are a lot of people who depend on shit-beaters to get to work, and when they break down, most of them can't afford to fix the car, lose their job, etc. downward spiral. just for an example...
  18. i can see one of a few things happening here... 1) people are just going to walk away from home ownership & rent = dramatic rise in foreclosures. 2) nobody will ever, ever, move again... 3) people will find some creative way around it, like home-swapping, subletting, time-sharing, etc as a way to get around actually selling the home. based solely on what i've read in this thread (without further research) this bill sucks ass...
  19. reason i ask, is that as a general rule, women "hold the purse-strings" when it comes to sex, and i don't care how ugly/skanky/what-have-you a woman is, it seems there's always a few guys that, if the woman said "let's go", they'd be all over it!?
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