not necessarily true - one can recognize/acknowledge a period of time wherein bad things happened, without pre-judging the time to come. if you really knew zen, you'd know that attachment to outcome is one of the main problems people face. expectation creates disappointment - accepting that which happens without prejudgement is one of the big concepts of zen, if i'm recalling correctly. (for those interested, here are the five moral precepts and philosophical tenets of zen buddhism...)
for me, i've had many "really bad" years, and while i'm sure i've had some really good ones, they're so far back in the past that i can't remember them. this year, i lost the longest "relationship" i've ever had (outside of family) when my little buddy, my cat max, died, and i lost my job this year, and still overall, this has been an "ok" year. i suppose any year i can say "meh, i've had worse", can't really be that bad, right?
the new year is a blank slate, waiting for us to make of it what we will. choose your path, then follow it.