actually, from what i can tell, gaf's not saying singularity = god, he's saying that god existed outside of the singularity, and was the cause of the fluctuation that made the big bang happen. thing that i have a problem with is that, we know black holes warp time & space & even dimensionality. we know (or know as best we can) that our classical physics, including quantum, break down in a black hole. now, imagine every black hole in the universe, and every sun, every planet, asteroid, rock, dust particle, and even all of the theoretical dark matter, contained within a space so small that our science defines is as a one-dimensional mathematical point... there is no possible way we can say that that "point" has no effect on anything else, nor can we say whether or not it allows for anything external to itself. it's possible that nothing could exist outside of the singularity, so to say "god" (which, btw i do not define as the x-tian deity, but as the universal 'subconscious', the energy that connects us all and from which we all come) must have acted on the singularity from the outside is pure conjecture and guesswork on the part of the author. there is no way it can be proven.